My Unspoken Story: My Introduction


Hello HIVE! good day everyone. Im @itsmateo . I'm from Cebu which is located in Visayas. Im 18 years of age A grade 12 students of Ilihan Integrated School (IIS). here's a the untold chapter of my life: Introduction!





It all began when i was in my 4th grade and i accidentally discovered that i have a talent and passion for writing. (But not the writing which i will copy from the black board it's boring😄).

There's a time when our teacher is angry because I'm playing too much in the classroom (because i play a lot honestly 😅). So our teacher decided to give me a task to write a long essay, imagine a grade 4 student is given a task to write a sorry easay because teacher just got mad for the reason of overplaying. But surprisingly i didn't know what I did or how I ever managed to do something like that.

That moment makes me realize that i have a passion and skills in writing, which i need to enhance. I'm not an honor or achiver nor top notcher student but i know I have something special that i need to practice.


The last school year in elementary days, is grade six. i began exploring the best i could be in terms of writing and academic.After a year of challenges as a grade 6 student i finally graduated as a top student.(but not number 1☺️).

When i was in highschool my life began to turn upside down from being a student who's willing to do anything just to be a achiever and top notcher, became a student who doesn't care about grades and joined a lot of small groups in school which they call themselves a (Gang).

To make it a short explanation I never again focused on my studies which before I was aiming to enhance my capabilities and skills. But then when i thought my life will be a mess the pandemic happened. They say that because of pandemic they loss there job some say pandemic is a curse a bad luck.
There's a saying "Someone's curse is somebody's blessing".

I certainly believe it's true because before the pandemic my life became a disappointment and a mess, but when the pandemic happened everything changed. Through the pandemic i realized my mistakes, I've departed from the people who influenced me to destroy my own life, Through the pandemic I regained my loss, i fixed my life and i see an opportunity where i can possibly earn a little income from the pandemic.

3 years of pandemic and throughout the entire 3 years I've been busy. The first year of the pandemic i spent my time doing YouTube vlog, Calisthenics, back flip, ect.



The second to third year i spent it doing side hustle jobs, those two entire years I learned a lot of jobs that life has to offer construction, uber, wood cutting with 5 km carrying the wood to earn money and a back up builder or assistant to a builder.

Through those hardships I've gone through just to help my family, although I'm not the eldest but it's just me and my brothers that have been left behind in our house with our parents because my other brothers and sisters, already have their own life.

Meanwhile my little brother is the one in charge in the kitchen sometimes🙄, my brother next to me also has his own business to take care of, so I'm the one to help my parents in all aspects, heavy or light kind of work, as long as i have strength i will never stop working for my parents and im always there if they need a hand.

Fast forward school days are back, although school is back but im still a busy man, because my father has his Moto part's shop, im still the one who looks after it and im a mechanic as well.



That's why sometimes I'm late at my first subject and the one causing me to have a very low grade in my first subject. But i never told my first sub teacher to consider me because i still have a work to do ect, i know myself im the one who needs to adjust because im a student and for me to survive i need to adapt the way my life worked, i know it's hard and can give me a lot of pressure but i understand the system of the world.

That nothing is easy,and I'm also still trying to get my studies back to its best, i know it still would not be so easy but I'm fully prepared for what's about to come.

To be honest i have a hard time constructing my words, because I'm still a busy man, but i need to do this in order for me to enhance my writing and thinking skills. Also to meet new circles of friends around the world and to learn more from them as well, from their experiences, the hardships they went through.

I wanna hear Their story too and how they've survived, so i can learn from them for self improvement.

Who introduce you to bloging!

I attended orientation WEB 3. Im so thankful to @callmesmile, @indayclara, @ybanezkim26 for introducing HIVE Blockchain. Through this i was able

To seize this great opportunity that was given unto me and i will not loose this privileged, this gives me a high chance to be an good and accurate writer someday and to meet new friends, encounter a lot of people.

My hobbies and likes!

I have a lot of hobbies but I'm not really that person who stays at home and does some stuff or to make short im not an introvert person.
I'm the kind of person who involves myself in outdoor activities and i love traveling.



For me anything can be a hobby because as for me I do a lot of things and I find them fun. Also I traveling around the world or around the 7 contents( char🤣🤣 just kidding). The things I do I enjoy it and make it as a hobby so i got a lot of hobbies to share, including hiking, swimming, Cycling and jogging.

My most favorite hobby is Being i cyclist, i enjoyed cycling all over the place i could be, because i can experience and can go to a certain location.



Enjoying the view along the way, meeting new friends most important is the memories I shared with my friends together, as we she'd our sweat and strive our best to overcome the climb, and as we sprint to the plane road 🛣️.

But for now i set aside my cycling hobby because of there are more important things to do than just cycling, and also im still on the process of adding some minor upgrades on my bike, hope to see you next time in my cycling blog.
This my introduction see you on the other blog😊.!!

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