My little summary

Hello my name is Isabella I have 19 years old and I am currently in Lima Peru

I have always been a very calm person, something odious but very funny ...
as a child I loved spending time with my family and playing with my cousins.

whenever I was drinking my breakfast I liked to do while watching television,
I loved listening to my dad's records, I had many records (The beatles, Guns and roses, bee gees among others)

when I got to go to school it was not easy the first day I thought my mom I had left, it was very sad, every time I went I was just waiting for the time to go home and be with my family.

Also had adventures with my cousins ​​had a huge backyard could we invent that we were in enchanted forests or in space, were good times. After I was growing up I saw how boring it was to be great and I also lived through the adolescent crisis.

I thought that it was only the adults who were inventing, but it really was that way. as well as when I fall in love for the first time that nonsense, in short another summary of my serious that I am very dreamer and I also hope to achieve many of my goals such as graduate, travel the world, be polyglot, have a beautiful family with the person I love, have my own business and a farm. I want my parents to feel very proud ...

In my blog I will talk to you and I will show different topics of personal interest such as The wonders of the universe, nature and its importance, The history of the world, cultures of countries, make up, a theme that we all like food and my favorite recipes.

Something also that I am passionate about are languages since I was a child I studied English and through the time I woke up in my interest in languages such as French, Portuguese, German and Korean, a person who knows many languages is great.

Photography, music, animals, fashion and art.

Thank you and I will be preparing my next post.

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