Infected by the euphoria - I am on Steemit now

Hello there, fellows!

Why am I here? Because I want to figure this out, as well. 

I was told you do it this way  :D

After a few of my friends got active here and literally praised Steemit, I got curious. Now I finally managed to activate my account, so let's see where it takes me. Maybe we share some interests, maybe we can learn from each other, maybe we can discuss some content (I love intelligent, constructive discussions but I am totally done with the comment section in Facebook, which is one more reason I need  any other social media input, duh).

But first, let me quick introduce myself: 

my name is Isabell, I am in my early twenties, currently living in Brunswick, Germany and I am studying Social Work in Wolfenbüttel (only considerable because it's the hometown of Jägermeister, yep). I was born in Mainz where my heart still belongs to. The struggle of studying in another part of the country is present very often, but I also found some lovely friends up here in the north of Germany. 

My aim is to work with children and adolescents, preferred in schools. I choosed this course because I want to do something in life with additional value. Educational help for people in need is what in my opinion sustains our society, so I am happy with my decision for this academic way.  I also have some time left until I finished my Bachelor's Degree, until then I enjoy student life to the fullest ;)

My Interests

While being very ambitious about my degree, I also work as a bartender in a nightclub for techno music. This is not only my job, but my passion. I am totally in love with the nightlife, techno culture and DJing. In the summertime I tour around festivals and open air raves  (I surely do posts about this topic some time). My overall passion is music. Not only electronic, but GOOD music in general. I surely gonna talk about my favorites sometime.

Other hobbies of mine are philosophy and arts. I got in touch with philosophy in school, then studied it in university shortly to bridge a gap. It influenced my view on things in life very much and I am thankful that I had some great teachers and profs that helped me to get an access to deep thoughts and theories, so I am still into it and hope to dig deeper and deeper. I am really into arts, especially painting and design. I don't do it professionally and unfortunately I haven't painted for a looooong long time but I hope the inspiration will come back soon for it really is like a cure for the soul to get lost in your work for hours.

Finally, another topic which influences my lifestyle was my decision to quit eating meat when I was 18 (yes, it came much too late) and getting in touch with vegan diet more and more. I am constantly worrying about animal ethics and the environmental aspects of the meat industry that I cannot NOT rank this among my interests. I hope to write and read some interesting posts about veganism here, have some constructive discussions and discover lovely recipes, as well. 

So that's it. I will write about my interests and everyday life in my posts. Hope you liked it! If so, follow my militant vegan, feminist, big city arty hipster - blog, because this is fuckin' 2017! (JUST kidding, I like being over the top sometimes)

Peace and love, peace and love xx

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