Hello to all Steem peeps. Let me introduce myself...

My name is Paul. I reside in the Great White North, aka Canada.
I'm a 50 something kind of guy, who is always looking for ways to help others by sharing my life experiences with as many people as possible. I've learned a lot in my life, and continue to learn, each and every day.

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I believe that helping people is our sole purpose, and the reason we were put on this planet, according to our Creator aka God. By helping others, we can make their lives better, easier and happier. Anything from a simple smile and a 'hello' to someone you pass on the street, or in the mall, to helping a senior reach something high on a store shelf, will leave them with a good feeling, not only for that moment, but about humanity in general. If everyone did something like that, each and every day, the world would definitely be a better place. I'm sure you've all heard the terms, 'Pay It Forward', 'What Goes Around Comes Around', and 'You Reap What You Sow'. I truly believe in those, hence one of the reasons why I'm here. Personally, I feel best when I've helped someone, more than myself. Just sayin'....

I heard about Steemit and associated community, from someone I follow on YT, named Gregory Mannarino. He's a Financial Expert in Capital Markets and a Trading Coach. Check him out here on Steem @marketreport. Great guy, and very knowledgeable, with a big heart. Truly cares about others...and animals too!

Speaking of which, I used to trade equities and options, between 1998 and 2002. Lost my shirt in the bubble! These kinds of things, teaches one valuable lessons...

Please see below other things I've experienced that make me, who I am today;

This is my frustrated look.

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This is my buddy Paco. He doubles as my proof reader while I work on my computer. He helps prevent me from getting frustrated. (see above)

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He takes breaks...often.

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Unfortunately, Paco had to go back home to Heaven a couple of months ago... 20 years together was a great run...I miss my little buddy


Ex- law enforcement


Ex-football player


I'm a car enthusiast

Gun enthusiast


I've see the sun at midnight in the Arctic


Love going to tropical destinations as well


...and catching the big ones...
This monster is...oh I'd least 6 inches long


I'm even a gamer

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You can watch me live stream on Twitch by clicking here
You can also check out my YouTube channel to see what I've been up to in 2017

So, I'd like to thank each and everyone of you, that may have read down to the bottom of this post, for giving me a few minutes of your time. I will be posting and commenting on a variety of tags, so look for me. You may see some of my witty comments, in your favourite 'tags'. Hope you enjoy them

I'm honoured to join the Steem community, and look forward to interacting with as many of you as possible.

Thanks again,


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