It took me 1.5 years but I’m finally here, Steemit! I’m Inga - a travel addict, tech startup fanatic, cheese and gin lover living manic.

Alright guys, I think it’s time…  

To finally introduce myself. 

But before I dive in...

I think my sister @allasyummyfood (who's literally been trying to get me to do my first Steemit post for over a year now) - is probably not even gonna believe that this is actually happening. After all, I did promise her that I will have it ready by the time she’s back from Bali (after not seeing her for a month). Consider it my “Welcome back” gift to her ;-) 

Who am I?

Well, for starters I’m @allasyummyfood’s younger sister (though I’m not that young anymore...). I’m 27, Latvian (though I have definitely been - what I like to call “Englanised”) and a Generalist. I say this because I still haven’t found my specialisation or my own business (not yet anyway), but I’m still good at a lot of things. And organisation is by far one of them. Hence why I head up Operations at a retail tech startup here in London.  

Me earlier this year in Eleuthera, Bahamas

My story

I moved to the UK at the age 14 (two years after my sister did), went to school in Kent, finished a degree at the London School of Economics and soon after moved to Berlin for my first proper job at a small tech startup. Ever since then I’ve always worked for startups and in tech and never looked back or wondered what my life would be like if I went into investment banking or consultancy like 95% of my Uni friends did. 

What took me so long?

I would like to say ’not enough free time’ but that’s not true. I believe that you can always find time for things that you choose to prioritise in life, so I’m gonna go with - laziness… The important thing is that it’s the 23rd of January 00:34 and I’m writing my first post. And as gay as it might sound writing for Steemit is on my ‘2018 Goals’ list which brings me on to the next point. 

Why now?

Well, aside from making Steemit as part of this year's goals, it was definitely seeing my best school friend @yasminep and even HER BOYFRIEND @alex1only beating me to it (after @allasyummyfood paid them a visit in Malaysia a week or so ago). Competition is a beautiful thing and an even greater motivator :-) 

@yasminep and me in Dubrovnik, Croatia (August, 2017)

Why Steemit?

Of course seeing how much success my sister @allasyummyfood has had with this platform was great (especially after she worked her a** off for 3 years and barely got paid by YouTube or Facebook). But actually, after just spending 15 minutes reading through @yasminep’s and other contributors’ posts made me realise what an incredible community Steemit already is. 

If anything, I stopped using Facebook (not Messenger) to interact with people a while ago so rediscovering something that is new (to me), fun and fresh is amazing and got me really excited! My motivation isn’t necessarily monetary (after all I have a full-time job) but really to have fun and be part of something new and exciting as well as share some stories and advice of my own. 

Celebrating my 27th birthday in style (August, 2017)

What will I be posting?

To be honest, everything and anything. As I mentioned before, I’m a bit of generalist and I love to do a lot of things, including the most obvious, like travelling, doing all kinds of sport, eating (loads), exploring what London city has to offer, photography and more. I will also write about my 30-day challenges and dates. But not the cheesy kind of dates - but rather competitive dates with my boyfriend Liam (anyway, more on this later). 

Final words

This is probably too long for my first post but when I’m on the roll, I’m on the roll. And before I roll into my bed, I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to my amazing, talented sister @allasyummyfood (who I miss so much) for being patient and SO persistent about me becoming part of the Steemit community! Love you, big sis. 

Me and my amazing sister @allasyummyfood

Inga x 

P.S. I can’t wait to contribute and making Steemit as one of my priorities this year :-) 

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