Introducing the first Graphic Designer on Steemit!(I think :p ) And the first Freelance Web Developer as well! (I guess!)


Now, Who Am I?

  • A Fan of Traditions
  • One thing that's for sure is: I'm a fan of Tradition!
    With that in mind, here I am, honoring the Steem It tradition:


  • A Passionate Graphic Designer
  • Being a Graphic Designer, I thought a display of my sketch would be a given! :p
    The logo you see on top is the logo I go by in the social media as well as on my Freelancing profiles.
    Here is how that sketch turned out:


    I hope you like it!

  • Why I am here
  • Well, the reason I am here on Steem It is because I heard a lot about it from my friends as well as on the social media! The effort Steemit goes through to make this a great community are clear to anyone with a decent pair of eyes! ( and brains ! :p )

    Being one of the guys who noticed the effort put into it, I'm was pleased to join such a community! I hoped I would find some kindred souls that also do design in order for us to benefit from each other's opinions and critics. However, I still didn't find anyone who does design on this plateform!

    That being the case, I hereby declare being the first Graphic Designer on this plateforme!

  • A little treat!
  • And as a treat to whomever is interested in following me, here are some logos I've worked on in the past:


  • My other Passion
  • Let's just call Graphic Design a passion! You know what else I do for passion?


    Web Development, I'm a sucker for coding and Website Designing!
    I like how I can do both, coding and graphic design!
    Designing beautiful websites has always been a passion of mine and it still is!

  • What I do for a Job

  • Guess what again, I'm one of the very few who does what he loves for work!
    I'm a Freelance Web Developer/ Graphic Designer!
    I only started a doing so a few month ago and I can say it was a success as I managed to raise more than 800$ in less than 3 weeks!
    Being a beginner Freelancer who made such an accomplishement ( yes it's not a big accomplishement! But it's a start! :p ), I thought I'd share the methods I went through to gain such experience!

    That's my current goal here on Steem It, share the experience of Freelancing online with as many persons as possible!
    Being the humble guy I am, I'm counting on your guidance and advice concerning how to do so on Steem It, please comment with your advices and critics if possible.

  • An Entrepreneur in the making

  • As you might have noticed by now, I'm passionate about a lot of stuff! Entrepreneurship is one of them! Finding a problem around you and standing up to solve it by yourself without waiting for anyone else to do it for you, that's what I call Entrepreneurship!

    Innovation, originality and hard work are all critical factors in an Entrepreneur. However, the one I think is the most important is to know one's self! It is to know your strengths and your weeknesses, your passions and your values! What you CAN and what you CANNOT do!

    Joining this commnity was one of the steps in that process, I'd like to know more about myself! And what better way to do that other than getting people to tell you!

    That being said, I'm counting on you guys!

    I am so excited to be here!

    I can't wait to get to know all of you and get immersed into this flourishing community!

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