It's never too late to make a Introduction.

Hello good people of the Steemit community. My name is Ian Daniels and I'am still in my first week of Steemit. I held back doing a Introduction post till now. I wanted to soak in the experience and then give my go at a proper introduction. My interest and topics I plan to write about are anything art related, crypto, memes, gifs, comedy, tech news and the list goes on depending on my mood. I'm a little all over the place but I hate just writing on one thing. I like to nitch out, it's less pressure to stay in one area of content.

I was born and raised and live in Northeast Louisiana. I grew up with next to no entertainment and still vividly remember my first experience with the internet. The first glorious sounds of the internet I remember was Dial up. I consider myself to be a Internet Elder.

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I have seen the internet evolve since the 90's. In my personal experience the internet changed the most between 2001 and 2005. While I was in the NAVY, I rarely got on the internet because I had to share computer time with all my shipmates. I was so computer isolated I had no smart phone and never emailed my family back at home. I preferred calling them from a pay phone. Also the internet was really censored on my ship the USS Carl Vinson CVN 70. The Internet changed a lot in those 4 years. I remember the Internet in 2001 and barely doing anything on the Internet besides looking at fantasy art, slow loading nude pics, movie news and watching Quicktime videos. When I got out of the NAVY, I noticed what a beast the internet had became. Even porn was different with so many tube sites. When I think of old school porn I think of this bit from Tom Green's standup before all the tube sites took over.

I still remember having my mind blown on how fast you could stream music and download media. I used Napster around 2000 and 2001 but it was slow. When I got out of the NAVY, Napster was a paid service. Out of all the technology changes the one that I remember the most was the social sites. In 2005 someone I knew had a Myspace and it sparked my interest. The whole aspect that you could add different themes to your profile is what sold me. Myspace was more personal to me, it was my own place on the web. I still remember when the internet started to seem forced and a woman I was chatting with online told me about Facebook in 2007. I still remember how stale and generic Facebook seemed but I got on there because of her hype. The internet for me the past couple years became just a dormant period of time watching porn, Youtube and Netflix. I knew something needed to change. I went whole months in the past 2 years not posting on my Facebook. I would never get any likes or comments so I quit participating in what I've heard Matt Drudge call the internet ghetto. In this first week on Steemit I have got more upvotes and replys than I got on Facebook last year in a 6 month period from my so called friends. I have also posted more on Steemit than any other social site in a 4 day period of time and I have to admit it's good therapy. Posting some of my artwork and writing a blog posts gets my artistic juices flowing. I ignored the hype on Youtube where people brag about all the Steem their getting. I just came on Steemit for the decentralization and no censorship aspect of the Steem blockchain. As far as Social sites go, Steemit is better than anything I've been on since I got out of the NAVY in 2005. I really look forward to seeing where this journey takes me as a creator of content and seeing where the Blockchain progresses with the Internet.

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