Introducing Silvia and Michal || Hello D-Tube!

Hello everyone!

We are so excited to be here. We have have a Youtube channel—Honeyboom—for which we have been loving to produce content, but something tells us that D-Tube is the platform that will win our heart <3

Our passion is human connection, relationships, and authentic communication, and those are the main topics about which we will be talking here on D-Tube—along with polyamory, Minimalism, traveling and location independence, and overall healthy living.

Please feel free to ask us any questions, give us feedback on our content, or simply say hello. We would particularly love to hear which topics interest you within the field of relationships and human connection: What do you struggle with the most? What do you look for in other people? Which relationships/interactions have changed you forever? What would you like to hear more about in the world? How do you connect with people in your life? What turns you on? How do you make friends? What makes you fall in love?

Thank you for being part of this amazing community, and thank you for receiving us with so much love.

Have a wonderful day! <3

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