A Brief Introduction

Before I start to introduce a little bit about me I want to explain one of the reasons I'm here. I recently studied an English course in Canada, of course I learnt just the basics of the language. One of the activities they encouraged us doing to practice is writing short essays. I found the steemit community few days ago and I think this is an extraordinary project to share and discuss information freely. As you can notice I'm not a native English speaker, so It's hard to express all I would like to, but this is me trying to do it and hoping the community could make some comments about it. Corrections are welcome!   

A Brief Story About Me 

When I was a child I used to look at the sky every night. I wondered how those brilliant little points could be enormous "fire balls". How was it possible that we could see a giant object , such the moon, just above us. It always seemed to me a marvelous view! As I always was a curious and extremely imaginative child (just as all children are), I thought I was going to be an astronaut; that some day I would see the Earth from space and be the first human to put a foot on Mars. Of course, there is a big gap between dreams and reality.

As I was growing up I started to enjoy doing many different activities like singing, dancing, acting, debating and so on. Some professors that had taught me at school, thought I was going to be an actress or a lawyer since I always had defended my naughty classmates; and for a moment I believed that too. I was kind of confused, so when It was time to decide on a high school, I had applied for both schools, and arts school and science school. I had been doing the admission exam for arts school when I remembered the feelings and dreams I had when I was a child. Suddenly, I left the room (with my unfinished exam) and went outside to choose the science school. I had decided to become the astronaut of my childhood.

I was taking my first classes at science high school. I hadn't been a complete month when I saw a poster about a theater club. Because of my personality, I thought It would be a good idea to give the arts a chance as a hobby. So, there I was, trying to do both. As usually happens, I couldn't do both for a long time, thus I left theater club and focused on my studies. High school had ended so I applied to a physics and maths university as well as theater school, yes... again. I was accepted in both so I tried to study both, and yes, again I couldn't maintain the workload, then I left the theater school, again? Yes...again!

I finished with a major as a physicist and I was supposed to be a mature student so one year later I started my master studies in astronomy. By this time, I had realized that I was never going to be a NASA astronaut (as I have Mexican nationality). However, I had the expectation to do something close to it, like astronomy. It didn't matter; when I finally got my master's degree I had an existential crisis and one year ago I started to study theater again!

Neither an astronaut nor an actress. Even when I thought for a moment I would touch the stars, not literally of course, I have always been persecuted by a dramatic part of me that I can't understand. So, what have I learned? Nothing at all, I'm still trying to figure out.

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