
Hello fellow #STEEMIANS! The typical-slash-cherubic girl behind is new in steem-it and a frustrated blogger. She is given by a name “Melgie”, 19 years of age, and from the Pearl of the Orient Seas called Philippines. Currently, she is a Mining Engineering student who loves not just Earth Sciences but also related in blogging and art. She loves to procrastinate, (well everyone does!) yet also strives hard to get her ambitions in life. She loves music, she dances, do calligraphy stuffs, photography, and surfing…. (the internet) haha! trolls.

A girl who loves sunset

She really loves sunsets because it doesn’t need to put filters to see its beauty. Expressing her love to the sunset is by capturing the beauty of it that’s why photography draws her attention. For her, photography is not about using expensive cameras or gadgets, but how you actually capture the beauty of art through your own style. She only do take her pictures by her phone and she prefers without filter (unless you have to enhance to make it better).

A girl who loves pens

She loves to collect pens. Every time she went to the mall to by stuffs, she will find herself later on in a bookstore looking for some sort of pens. She do love any kinds of pens, either cheap or expensive, she admire whoever wants to give her a gift of pens. As she is addicted to pens, she also do calligraphy. She practice during her vacant hours trying to do new fonts and style. Therefore, she tells you to stay tuned for her next blog posts!

A girl who loves to travel

Everyone does travelling to any places to unwind and do adventures. This girl loves to experience enthusiasm in seeing different scenery, as she commends appreciation on how fascinating life is.

A girl who loves to dance

She dance to cheer her mood up, she also take dancing as one of her exercise and hobby. She joined different dance competitions in her school since when she was elementary. This can be everyone’s talent, right? :)

A girl who has a fear of God

Above all, she is a God’s princess. She and her Mom belongs to the “Couples for Christ” family, where Christians like them are dedicated to the Lord as she dedicates everything in her life to the Abba father.

A girl you can rely to

She can be a friend even though you guys are just a total stranger! How about if there’s a time you got yourself lost and you want someone to talk to, just keep in touch with her in a direct/private message and she will help you as much as she can whole-heartedly. Steem-it is not just about posting stuffs, this is also how you connect people by giving them encouragement and to see how life is grateful no matter what. :)

-Have a blessed day, follow me and stay tuned to more of my blog posts, you can also tell me what you like, maybe we have more in common! ;) ciao!
• I would like to give my appreciation to my friends @mannylumanao @ayolouuu and @kwenkwennnn for acquainting me in this platform. Getting excited to be part of the steem-it family. <3


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