Introducemyself, Meet Up Steemit in Workshop at Bogor



Hi steemian, would like to introduce myself ya.
My name is Hesty Purnama, my stay in Bogor, my hobbies traveling & culinary.

Join the time platform there Steemit Workshop at home kang @kiting last week was also guided by Chairman of Steemit Bogor that is kang @alhasan.

The explanation when participating in the workshop is very interesting, so interested join steemit, bersosmed profitable yes only in steemit.

Just info my hobby is a walk, culinary basically there is a relationship with tester ...

Alhamdulillah in approved by steemit including capst .. two days already can join.

Meanwhile, as much as my acquaintance ... Hope to enter steemit plus many friends of my relatives, do not forget to follow me



Hi steemian, mau memperkenalkan diri nih.
Nama ku Hesty Purnama, tinggalku di Bogor, hobiku jalan" & kuliner.

Saya bergabung pada platform ini sewaktu ada Workshop Steemit di Bogor rumah kang @kiting seminggu lalu dan juga dipandu oleh Ketua Steemit Bogor yaitu kang @alhasan.

Penjelasan saat ikut workshop sangat menarik, jadi tertarik gabung steemit, bersosmed yang menguntungkan hanya di steemit.

Sekedar info hobi ku jalan-jalan, kuliner pokoknya yang ada hubungan dengan tester

Alhamdulillah di approved oleh steemit terrmasuk cepat,,. 2 hari sudah bisa gabung.

Sementara, segitu dulu perkenalanku... Berharap masuk steemit tambah banyak teman banyak sdra,, jangan lupa follow aku ya

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