This Girl is on Fire - Yes She Did It and There's No Reason Why You Can't

This Girl Is On Fire

Hey Steemian’s, 😻

My name is Brandy and I'm from the great state of Texas in the United States but currently living in Louisiana. I'm a military spouse, entrepreneur and love learning about new and exciting ways to make coin on the interwebs.

I’m gonna start off my introduction post with a story, do you like stories? I’m going to assume you said a big “Heck Yes” and that you going to keep reading. Would you keep reading if I told you there is a surprise at the end? Ok, Good!

Here goes.

One day I got fed up with Facebook and I had this thought.

“Is there another online community I can be a part of where I can
really make an impact?” “A place where people will truly engage with
my content.”

I woke up the next day and checked my email and saw an email that said:

This Girl is on Fire

Roses Divider

🎜Singing Alicia Keys🎜

This girl is on fire Oh, oh, oh, She's just a girl, and she's on fire

Now try getting that song out of your head. You're welcome.

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Back to the story shall we? Of course, I was curious who is this @HopeHuggs and what is this "secret community". Yep, I went down that rabbit hole. 🐰

There aren’t too many emails that make me want to open them when you get about 100+ emails a day (mostly spam), but on this cold and lonely day in February I wanted to know “What is this girl doing?” and of course I wanted all the juicy details. So one paypal transaction later I’m the proud owner of the information I was seeking.

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Had my prayers been answered? Was someone tapped into my brain the day before when I was at my wits end with my current social network.

I believe in the notion that “whatever you think about you bring about” or was it just “Synchronicity” meaning a meaningful coincidence. Whatever it is, it connected me to this amazing community with so much potential. Potential to make great friends, open my mind to a new world of information and to learn how to invest in this magical world of coin.

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1978 was a great year because that was the year I was born. My mom loved the song “Brandy” by the Looking Glass. It was a one hit wonder but it was a popular song and pretty much every mother was naming their daughters after that song because my best friend is also named Brandy and she was named after that song too, what a coincidence.

Yes, I’ve been on earth almost 40 years. I’ve been told you can’t tell by the way I look but it’s true. I wrote my first paper for high school on a typewriter. I’m so glad we have smart people in this world who created the personal computer because I really hated the typewriter.

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Let’s skip to college when I got my first PC with Windows 98. This is where I learned about a whole different world beyond the small town atmosphere where I was raised in Texas. This is also where I found my love for earning money online. It took 10 minutes on dial up to download a picture. Then another 10 minutes clicking the big red X when you realized you’ve downloaded a picture that is “NSFW”.

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After college, I started a family and had a baby girl. Having a kid is a great accomplishment and I love watching her turn into a miniature version of myself. This is my daughter Hannah and my husband Randy. Yep, Randy and Brandy. Cute, Right?

This was last weekend, we are waiting in the rain for the Mardi Gras Parade.
This was last weekend, we are waiting in the rain for the Mardi Gras Parade.

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This is us and our two boys. Gage and Koen.

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My husband and I love discovering new places on the map. Especially restaurants that are off the beaten path. Recently, I discovered the love of Snorkeling on a trip to the Grand Bahamas Island. We spent 3 days and 4 nights on the wonderful island and got a great deal using groupon. Just stay clear of "Big Mamma" she wants to sell you a timeshare as well as everyone else on that island.

One of my ultimate goals in life is to own a beachfront bungalow. My husband and I love the beach and our goal is to retire somewhere we can comfortably live out our lives while also enjoying everything that that beach life offers.

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Well Steemians, we've come to the end and I told you there was a suprise. So Press Play and Watch and see what I have to say.

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Instagram 👉 Brandy on Instagram

YouTube 👉 Brandy on YouTube

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