Hello friends of steemit, my first post on this social network (從這個社交網絡開始) 🐙🐙


I introduce myself, my name is Harumi I'm 26 years old 💕 I was born in Osaka, Japan. I am the daughter of a Japanese mother and American father, a good blend, right? Haha lol, well at the age of 5 my parents decided that we were going to live in New York, where I currently live and adore with all my heart, although despite having been so small I maintain an attachment to my homeland.

我介紹自己,我的名字是夏美我26歲,出生在日本的大阪。 我是日本母親和美國父親的女兒,混合物好嗎? 那麼在五年的時間裡,我的父母決定我們要去紐約,我現在住的那個城市,我全心全意地喜歡,儘管如此之小,我仍然堅持到我的祖國。

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The things that I like to do most is to do sports💪, I also like to travel around the world (well I think we all like that hahaha) and I am also an animal lover. Frequently I like to practice Yoga, this sport makes me feel a relief and an incredible feeling of well-being, I recommend it to everyone.

我最喜歡做的事情是做運動,我也喜歡在世界各地旅行(我想我們都喜歡那個哈哈哈),我也是一個動物愛好者。 通常我喜歡練瑜伽,這種運動讓我感到一種舒適和難以置信的幸福感,我向大家推薦。




I love healthy life, that's why I take care of myself and I play sports frequently, here I present to you what my breakfast was today, an exquisite portion of oats with yogurt and sweetened with honey.




At the moment I work in a family company of sale of accessories and footwear, but I have thought to study in a couple of years more or to create my own accessory distributor (to dream is free haha).


How do I see myself in another 10 years?

Going around every corner of the world as I love to know new places and cultures, learn new things, I would love to take photos and share them with all this community that I have been told is excellent. Well that's my little story, I hope I can get to know you and share more content on this social network, thank you very much😘😘.

在另外10年裡怎麼看待自己? 隨著我喜歡認識新的地方和文化,學習新事物,我會喜歡拍攝照片,並與所有這個被告知的社區分享,這是非常好的。 那是我的小故事,希望能夠認識你,並在這個社交網絡上分享更多的內容,非常感謝。


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