my life story as an Introduction to steemit

Hi Steemit!
I came to steemit on the recommendation of a friend, I am told that it is a great platform and I have many expectations in this regard.I really can’t sleep and I think it’s best if I introduce myself and tell you a little about me. Let me introduce myself with friends. My name is Hareem and I’m 22 years old female. I am a software engineering student. I have started my career at the age of 18. When I took admission in BS(software engineering). I choose to learn some web development since he saw the potential internet held.30706751_1757713670974786_7032019644329476737_n.jpg
In those early days, I came across Google AdSense, which i used in combination with BlogSpot and YouTube to earn money. Soon I realized that internet publishing is nothing without SEO, and that’s when i learnt SEO optimization and best practices through trial and error and a combination of devouring all the tips and tricks i learnt on the internet.
Than my first website went live after the 11 months of hard work. My competitor was a famous brand allrecipes. Later on, My AdSense account associated with my website was disabled by Google due to a copyright claim on the similar name to competitor website. Though i can’t recall the precise figures now, i believe that I had made $500 before Google disabled AdSense.
The shutdown of my first website was not withstanding. Than i built a new website Using all the knowledge I had gained during this period (mainly for content and SEO), i ensured the site is a success.
Now I am doing so many things currently. I am in the final semester of My Studies. And also doing blogging, SMM and SEO at a few niche sites, event based and affiliate sites.
I hope to make many friends and enjoy the good publications that are published daily in this community.

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