Steemit Introduction - Pleasure to Meet You


Like many here, I’m new to the community and cryptocurrency. I heard about Bitcoin years ago but ignored it as a technology fad that was destined for the digital waste-bin. My awakening came two months ago when I read William Mougayar’s “The Business Blockchain” for work and began to grasp the true potential of hundreds or thousands distributed networks, inter-connected and capable of sharing data and value in a trustless manner. Scalable trust. A radical concept (at least to me) and a fundamental shift in authority and ownership. That’s pretty cool.

My friends, family, and colleagues know that I’m a philosopher at heart and routinely reason through thought experiments. The topic of personal data ownership and value has been top of mind for years and I have often wondered, “when will people have the authority / opportunity to monetize their digital data?”. Everyday billions of people share their information (likes, preferences, pictures, personnel information, etc.) through myriad social platforms. Why shouldn’t they receive a dividend check from Facebook or Twitter for peer-to-peer sharing? Enter “Steemit”.

I learned about Steemit from a YouTube post from Jerry Banfield ( I don’t routinely post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other platform. I don’t like to share. But Steem intrigues me. Is this the new economy? When digital and physical automation has replaced human labor, will we earn a living sharing stories and ideas? Will over saturation devalue the ideas over time? There is so much to learn and discover in this brave new world.

So a little about me.

I lean libertarian. No shock for the Crypto community.

I have been married for 8 years. Couldn't be happier.

Afternoon Out.jpg

I have two dogs and a cat. The dogs are more photogenic.

Nori+Zou Zou (2).jpg

I enjoy playing guitar when time permits and I lack the dedication (or talent) to become “really good”.

I enjoy the Green Egg and look forward to sharing my misadventures on the great smoker. Below is some smoked chicken.

GreenEgg Chicken.jpg

My reading list varies between traditional economics, to platforms and internet marketing. I’m sure some of my thoughts will make it into posts.

I’m excited to join the Steem community and begin sharing and connecting on a variety of ideas. Peace.

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