Hello, Hive Blog!


Hello! I am Gymnastly and I'm new to Hive Blog.

As my name might suggest, I used to be a gymnast, but I am no longer training. Unless you are extremely good, the career of a non-elite gymnast is usually not too long. Once you turn 18, if you want to go to university, you no longer have the time to train for 3-5 hours every day, go to classes and study. Also, university fees are not affordable for everyone, so you end up having to give up the sport you have spent many years practicing.

The story is quite different if you are an elite gymnast, as you have many options after you turn 18: you can continue to do elite gymnastics and live off competition prices and/or partnerships and sponsorships; you can be recruited by a U.S. university, where you will get a scholarship and be able to compete every week. In certain countries, elite gymnasts (and other athletes), get financial aid from their governments.

In my case, I wasn't good enough to live off my beloved sport, so my professional path led me to work in content marketing, but I always kept an eye on what was happening in the gymnastics world, and a few years ago, I started my own gymnastics channel on YouTube, called Gymnastly: https://www.youtube.com/Gymnastly .

Mostly, I will be posting all things gymnastics, not only the imminent Olympic Games in Paris, but any other competitions happening, the great gymnasts from the past, the most difficult gymnastics moves, and unusual skill combinations.

I hope that those who are already gymnastics fans enjoy my content, but it will be great if some people that don't follow the sport, get to know and love one of the most beautiful, difficult and daring sports there are.

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