Taking Off The Mask After Six Months - My Introduction Post


My Introduction Post

Exactly six months ago I joined Steem, on 16th June and in this time I have been part of so many amazing projects and got to connect with so many amazing Steemians that I feel like is the time to make an introduction post. As @meanmommy33 said, you can see our faces, and all we can see is a mask.

After reaching so many of the goals, I had set when I joined, like having 1000 followers, a constant $10 on my posts, my first $100+ post, and 1000 liquid Steem, I feel like an introduction post is necessary. Also, I almost have 60 reputation and 3k comments. Most of these things happened within the last two weeks or so, since my blog took off.

So I am going to take off that mask, but first I want to make a recap of my work on Steem. Please don’t skip this part to the pictures of me, let the curiosity build up a little bit.

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Changing Steem Through OCD

I can’t even remember when I joined @OCD because I feel like I’m here since forever but it was at about Issue 20 something, and I wrote the Issue 29. That was a long time ago so probably around four or five months ago.

As part of @OCD, I got to help so many Steemians even if my blog wasn’t doing that great at that particular time. The feedback we got back from the community made me wanna help even more. As my friend @jonsnow1983 told me about @dedicatedguy 2 days ago I got a guy to Steemit, made 19 on his introduction post, and the guy broke down in tears. This is the power of curation.

Also, what I love about OCD is the people behind it. I spend so much time there just cracking up jokes with the guys that I cannot see myself ever leave it. As @anomadsoul said I’m not leaving, they´ll have to kill me lol.

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Building Communities

Steem Poker League is the first community I stumbled upon within my first week on Steem and the friendships I have made there helped me so much. I was fortunate enough to bond with a lot of Steemians at the poker tables, and because of that I got presented to OCD, and from there I have made even more close friendships and got in more projects. The foundation of my blog started at the poker tables.


Check out my post about communities to find out more

Because for the last six months, my whole focus was on building communities and friendships, I recently got nominated in @Sndbox; this is a massive achievement for me since I wanted to be part of their team for a long time, you can see more about it in this post. I feel like the quality of my content got so much better already, because of them since I have to push my boundaries because now I’m reaching a bigger audience.

I could talk a lot more about my accomplishments and experiences within the last six months, but I prefer to let other people share their views on me and my actions.

They are in no particular order since I love every one of these Steemians, I couldn’t choose between them. They are my favorites.

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What Steemians Think Of Me

@Acidyo: Guyfawkes4-20 has been a solid curator for OCD which was how I stumbled upon him. He likes to play Poker and drink a lot of tea which sometimes give him hallucinations, but his activity on the platform has been far from hallucinations. He has supported many authors through the project and helped retention on the platform, and I've always enjoyed the talks with him and his viewpoints of the platform in his posts. Here's to another 6 months on Steem and maybe soon enough he can curate while sitting on his Lambo.

@anomadsoul: I met Guy when we started in @ocd together and from the first moment I knew he was one of the greatest content creators I´ve met on Steemit. From anarchy to crypto, this Romanian friend of mine, his articles are alwasys amazing and not so long ago, highly underrated. Now, we are both part of the @sndbox and I can only say to him "Congratulations man, you deserve it". We agree on so may things in life that, after Steemfest 2 I booked a plane to Romania just to visit him and get to know his hometown guided by him (and perhaps having a few beers together) but due to personal issues I couldn´t go, but yeah, we hit it off that much that we were aiming to meet in person. I really wish I could meet him, I´m actually planning to go to Eastern Europe in 2018 an believe me, that will be one of the peaks of my year. Yeah, that great he is. I strongly, encourage you to follow him, you won´t be disappointed.

@Tuck-Fheman: I met GuyFawkes4-20 late in the Summer of '17 on the poker tables of the Steem Poker League. Guy was then and remains now, very helpful with testing and reporting bugs. Several bugs he found could have become major issues if someone else had found them, but Guy was cool and reported them to us privately so we could fix them before someone did abuse them. He's a great addition to the SPL Community!

@meanmommy33: I will try not to say much. Then again, how can I avoid it? @GuyFawkes4-20 is one of my most recent 'buddies' in here and one of my favorite Steemians - because he's young with cool ideas and a lot to offer, because he comes from @creutzy's country which I love - ROMANIA - and we can speak in Romanian, because we're @ocd and @sndbox fellow curators/members and always collaborate amazingly! I truly believe he has a future in here, and this is already being proven by his rising number of followers and rep! All the best my friend! Bafta!!! See you soon enough at the Steemit meet up in Romania, Summer 2018! And as I always say... 'don't forget to smile'!

@Macchiata: I can't recall when I first knew him. Let's say it was somewhere. I don't think 150 words will be sufficient to describe this guy but I'll try to. He's a very wise person and I was taken aback knowing his actual age. Not only wise but he's also very helpful and fun to be around. He helped me translate Romanian words that I was about to use in my short story. Guy, gives nice tips when it comes to booze and he knows what he's talking about. I followed his advice and I loved the kind of booze I have today. Oh! He's also very dedicated to what he does and willing to work hard for it. I am so proud that at a young age, he is capable of taking responsibility for any task given and constantly helping people in a way he does. Okay, there's actually more! but for sure, guy is a great friend and a dedicated workmate.

@whatamidoing: @GuyFawkes4-20 is full of ideas and passion. When I met him he was looking to rock steem with his positive vibes. He asked me if he could interview me and it turned into a really fun chat. The steemit community has been challenging him to become more and more awesome with every development. I was shocked when I found out how young he is as his writing has many nuggets of wisdom scattered throughout. I'm really excited to see where this dude goes, he is really capable of greatness!

@bethalea: I've had the absolute pleasure of knowing Guy for about a hundred years...6months in Steemit time, lol. He's one of the best things about this platform; intelligent and funny and a greet asset to any community. Im lucky enough to call him my friend.

Thank you all for the kind words.

There are many more people I wanted to contact about this but for the sake of the lenght of the post I had to limit myself to only a few.

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Taking Off The Mask

In case you thought I'm a fat guy in underwear working from my mom's basement you were wrong. I'm a fit guy in underwear working from my mom's basement. I think it’s the time to talk about myself. It feels a bit weird to do it because you guys already know who I am and what I’m about, just that I didn’t show my identity.

Ok, my name is George but do not call me that way. I love that name, but while I’m on Steem call me Guy, this is how I like it. It’s like the writers or singers get fake names when they launch their career, so call me Guy.


I am currently studying programming, but that is not my primary focus. I would love to know how to program something one day since I think it could help me in this crypto space but first I want to rock the shit out of Steem thus all of my energy goes towards that.

For the last couple of years, I’ve been involved hardcore in self-developing, reading and getting better every day, but I think that you can already see that from my posts. I’m usually frank about all of my actions, my biggest love being the truth. I would choose that over anything.

Also, as @Acidyo said, I'm a Green Tea addict. I don't always drink green tea, but when I do, I write. I can write without drinking green tea, but I like to give my self a little boost in energy and creativity by drinking it.


Because some stalkers want to see my face ( @meanmommy33 I’m talking about you), here are some pictures of myself. Because I can choose perfect images taken by me so I can look flawless, most of these photos are taken by surprise by my friends. I hope you enjoy them.


This is a precious memory of mine and the girl from the picture is opening a Steem account right now


I drunk a lot of water that night


Just looking fashion


I can't even remember this one but I like it


Attending a workshop about procrastination


Sleep is so much better on a train


I'm on the right and @buzlealex on the left


At @thethirdeye's house

I hope you enjoyed my huge introduction post since I spent most of my day working on it.

To finish on a fun note, I'm going to say that I always like to do controversial things, spontaneous stuff that no one’s expecting, maybe that’s why at about 5 or 6 years old I took a bowl of soup and put it in my head in the middle of the meal. I was curious to see what my mother would say.



Special thanks to @Acidyo who kept my blog alive within my first five months when I was making $1 on a post.

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