How To Lose The Love Of Your Life in Two Easy Stages - I Really Gone and Done It This Time.

Well, I've really gone and done it this time. I've lost him and he's not coming back and I have to admit to being my fault. Here's what happened.

Hi ex girlfriend was texting me and told me that he was chatting with another woman on Whatsapp (Whatever that is), Then she tells me a few more things and I am absolutely seething. Now, being a passionate woman, my temper can flare pretty fast and I said a few nasty things about him to his ex.

His ex then send a screen shot of the message to my wonderful man. Obviously, he wanted an explanation.

Anyway, he should have been at my house that evening and if he had have been, this situation wouldn't have occurred... but I digress.

So, instead of calmly thinking it about it. I go hell for leather at my man. So he get's hurt and stops speaking to me (this drives me insane because I'm a born communicator)

My emotions for two solid days are swinging between a pathological yearning for the one that I am desperately in love with and pure bloody fury because he's ignoring my pleas to talk.

I have to say at this point that I get very insecure with long silences because my very active imagination fills in the gaps with the worst possible scenarios.

After two days of this, he contacts me in his usual way and everything seems to be fine. We chat a bit and I am walking on air because I think that everything will work out fine. Then he goes silent on me again and I get all confused. Finally he tells me that he had reread my messages and it has inflamed the hurt that he has felt all over again.

Now, at that point, what I should have done is buttoned my lip but oh no! Maria goes into full on melt down and goes live on facebook to say how he had destroyed me. I was crying and carrying on and even shouting at one point. (Damn social media to hell!)

Then came the begging and the pleading with him, then came the hurling insults at him, then came the going round to his place to have it out with him.

There were text messages that I couldn't read because I'd forgotten to take my glasses with me and finally I went home because I had started to scare him.

So here are the two stages to avoid at all costs:

  1. Don't talk to the ex
  2. Stay away from skype, social media and text messages when you've had too much whiskey

Well done, Maria, you've just knackered the best relationship that you have ever had in your life. Brilliant! Perfect.... You complete twat!

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