Why did I Join Steemit? - Grail

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When cryptocurrency went mainstream, December 2017, despite knowing little to nothing about investing, or cryptocurrency I decided to buy Litecoin (LTC) when it was around $90. This was exciting because not only did I get a taste of investing but it turned out to be a success. The only downside was I didn't have the capital to continue to grow my portfolio, and I still felt as if I didn't have proper knowledge to pursue crypto further. As time went on crypto grew bigger and stronger, until the market tanked. Long story short, my interest in crypto began to diminish, and I moved away from the scene for quite some time because in reality I wasn't successful.

The first couple times I heard about Steem I would just ignore it because I really had no interest in the subject, I didn't have the capital, so in my head I decided what's the point of getting involved if I cant afford a decent amount of this coin. Then I read an article about Steemit, and quite frankly I was hooked. Not only can I learn about cryptocurrency, I can earn cryptocurrency but sharing things I enjoy with the world! Im currently studying Environmental Science at University, and anyone reading this must think Im crazy for being on Steemit, but thats the beauty of this platform. We all have a common interest, cryptocurrency, but from there we are given the chance to share thoughts and ideas that have nothing to do with crypto but are equally informative.

Being on Steemit, I could easily post completely unless, and uninteresting stuff, but this platform gives me the opportunity to share the shit I like, I love astronomy, I love the ocean, I love exotic plants, and I have an endless amount of information on those subjects stored in my head and Id love the share them with you. Other things may include the occasional sneaker, or various other cool clothing, and a possible meme or two, but dont worry I dont want to clutter my feed with that stuff.

The picture I attached to this post was taken with my GoPro Hero 4, and its of a bonfire. Lots of stories are shared around bonfires so I thought this it went well with this post.

Im glad I was able to share this story with you, and I hope to share more in the future!

What information would you share with someone new to this platform?

Any suggestions of informative Steemit blogs I should follow?

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