Good Memories Introduction

I've been posting my Actifit reports when I go over 5000 steps now for several months, but this will be my first post about a favorite memory.

My name is Margie. I live in the USA.

I have so many sweet wonderful memories and moments. I have experienced loss of loved ones and and some times during my life have not been perfect, but that's not what I am here to blog about it.

A favorite memory is of growing up with 2 sisters and a brother. My brother and I were only separated by 16 months; he was the younger one. We were the best playmates.

I loved playing with all of his metal cars and a his firetruck that you could put water in and it actually shot water through a little black hose. I played Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots with him. We played board games and sometimes he would throw all of the checker pieces at me if he lost to me.

He liked to play with my dolls with me. My older sister and I got him to put on one of our dress-up plastic wigs and a dress. (He was a good sport.) We roller skated around the block. We rode our bicycles around the block.
We played hide and seek with each others friends in the summertime after it got dark. I played HORSE with him on our basketball court in our backyard. I got really good a shooting free throw shots playing against him during those backyard HORSE games.

My brother walked door to door with me in my Grandparent's neighborhood to keep me company while I took orders for Girl Scout cookies. He also went back with me to deliver the cookies. One summer I helped him with his paper route. We rode on a bicycle built for two to deliver the newspapers.

Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots.jpgsource of image

I plan on sharing many more memories of my life on this blog and also will continue sharing my Actifit steps on those days I go over 5000!

Does anyone remember playing any of these games growing up?

What's a really good memory you have?

November 25, 2018

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