
2017-05-26 15.58.12.jpg
Hey steemers! My name is Kerry. I am a husband, father, paramedic and homesteader. I've never blogged, vlogged or even hashtagged before today, but times they are a changing and this tech train doesn't seem to be slowing down any for people like me. I have considered posting videos to Youtube, and I may still, but it seems like everyone is getting irritated about the way Youtube is doing things lately. So, at the recommendation of @mericanhomestead I came over to check out steemit and liked what I saw. I really liked the community and support I saw from steemers in the comments and figured this was a good place to start. I plan on writing about whatever interesting thing I'm working on, whether it is raising milk goats, gardening, or something not related to homesteading at all. Hopefully someone can learn something, even if only from my mistakes.
Thanks for taking a moment to learn about me! (By the way, my wife just opened an account as well, so keep your eyes out for @clickinchicken in the near future! )

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