Howdy Y'all I Am the One You Come to for All Things Horse Western and Curious

Allow me to introduce myself, again. Think of this as part twain; since I goofed on the tag the first time. (Sometime after the making of this post the operator realized that the tags could be changed.) I’ll seize this moment as an opportunity to introduce myself more proper like. Lot of work went into that first post. It would be a real shame if it barely went noticed. It's right here! If you’re interested in what JURI has planned for the European Internet. Which I’m sorry to say will eke hurt Steemians in the United States as well. Scroll down if you esteem horses. (See what I did there.)

My name is Giithulu, That's G as in giddyap. As you can tell I care about our equine comrades very much. In fact I made this account in dedication to their well being. Join me, as we're gonna be venturing into the horsy field. We will also go deep into western culture and thought. Lastly, we will probe fringe topics.

A drawing of mine and more to come.

How many of you are partial to horses?

Do any of you own a horse or horses?

Why do you like horses?

Now don't be a stranger.

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