Introducing myself - German Cardenas - Critical thinker, Graphic designer, Vegan +


Hello Steemians! My name is German Cardenas. This introduction has the aim to extend my hand through your computer or cell phone screen and shake yours. I want to share with you who I am and what you will find on my blog.


I think I'll start by saying that I'm a Venezuelan Graphic Designer who in 2015 decided to move to Ecuador. Since then I've been living here with my wife and son. I want to let you know that by following my account and supporting the material I'm creating, you'll be backing a lifestyle involving critical thinking which has led me and my family away from what the masses promote or dictate.

I plan to make my blog a reflection of the morals, values, thoughts, and practices I pursue and implement in my life. All of this with the intention to add value to the life of those who take some of their precious time to read my posts. I want to foster sane and sound dialogs in order to bring freshness of mind to the communities that my publications may reach.

Some of the topics that are part of my life and of my utter interest are:

  1. Critical thinking. The ability to exercise independent thinking, and to embrace dissent in any of its forms, for the reason that humankind has erred and may keep erring. I actually believe that we live in a world that needs much re-thinking.

  2. Truth related to free will. I believe that in order to form an idea of the meaning of truth and what is true in this modern world, one should first choose a set of principles that will guide his or her quest of truth.

  3. Health as a choice in direct relationship to the opening of the eyes to the condition of this world in every sphere. I am a Vegan and I think that a healthy lifestyle is needed. The aim should not only be to have a healthy body or healthy planet, but also to have control over your mind and shut the possibility that a cloudy mind or sick condition may make you vulnerable to the attack of entities that are not on your favor.

  4. Nature. I believe that there is one marvelous book (amongst others) to learn from, and it is called nature. It makes me keep in mind who I am, the role that I have to play in this world, the much I ought to those around me and that I'm not here by chance.

  5. A sustainable way of living. Many things are involved in this subject, but this time I will refer to the one that interests me the most. The organic, sustainable, eco-friendly, and beneficial for the mind, body, and soul way of growing your food. I'm always researching the topic and implementing the information resulting from my searches. It is the desire of my family to move to a place where we can be self-sustainable and help others, that have the willingness to do the same, in their learning process.

  6. Faith. I am a Christian that actually wants to follow the example of his Master day by day, I have come to this conclusion after much study (that will end when I die). I do not follow religious crowds by the way, but I firmly believe that religious freedom is a right that no one can touch without harming the collectivity. I also want to make clear that I respect every person and acknowledge the right each one of us has to choose what we believe in.

  7. Finally, I want to say that I'm also really into arts, many of them in an experimental state, I paint, I draw, I love to take pictures, also to film. I believe art is a way in which the inner experience can be transferred outside o be shared in either a delicate and/or radical manner. Art has the power to reach people forming connections with them in a subtle or subconscious way that may impact with a longlasting impression even when there is no manifestation of it on the outside.


I live by the principle that the law of self-preservation is not to be worried about yourself but to work for others. That motivates me to be a better citizen of this world and give my best to anyone I can reach.

Would you like to join me on this journey? If your answer is, yes! feel free to follow, comment, resteem, and give a powerful upvote that will help to make plans come to reality. See you soon my friends

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