Introducing: Geopolis - The community for global sciences

What is Geopolis?

Geopolis is a community effort to encourage authors who write in the fields of global sciences. New posts will be filtered on certain tags (see below) and given an upvote if deemed worthy. Besides a way to promote quality content, is Geopolis a place where people with the same interests can connect on Steemit and Discord.

Credits @ignacepelckmans

What posts will be upvoted?

Currently posts are filtered on the tags "geography", "geology" and "anthropology" but more subjects will be added to this list. Posts do not have to be solely scientific but must at least comply with the following requirements:

  • Written in proper English
  • Be original content
  • Sources cited and images credited if necessary
  • Well-formatted
  • Well-researched

What does Geopolis offer?

  • Geopolis offers upvotes and resteems for quality posts in the above mentioned fields. The size of the upvote depends on the membership in the community (see below). There is no limit on the amount of posts that can be supported, If your posts is well thought out and of good quality, it deserves the support. Of course as the amount of posts increase, the quality criteria will become stricter.
  • A curation trail on Streemian allows you to follow Geopolis and be the first to support quality posts on global sciences. To find out how to follow a curation trail, click here.
  • The community on Discord allows you to connect with other geopolitans and interact with the project.


By default, any account posting in the categories mentioned above are able to receive an upvote. When an author is a member of the Geopolis community it will receive bonuses according to their membership.

  Advantages How to become one
Member Members will receive a 50% upvote if their posts get selected.

A one time fee of 1 steem/SBD

Enter the Discord channel and mention to a Moderator that you want to join.

Helper Helpers receive a 100% upvote if their posts get selected.

Be already a member

Delegate 50SP to Geopolis

Hero Heroes not only get a 100% upvote, their posts also get resteemed by Geopolis.

Be already a member

Delegate 100SP to Geopolis


The project tries to be as transparant as possible. For any questions you can reach out to the discord channel.

The initiative comes from me, @samve. For sake of convenience I will never upvote my own posts, but since I put effort in writing as well, please give my blog a look and follow me if you would like what you see 😉.

Upvoting and resteeming posts of Geopolis allows us to grow which will results in larger upvotes flowing back to the people creating quality posts = you. All rewards from posts by Geopolis will be used to power up the community.

Join Geopolitans on Discord HERE

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