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Let's begin

Fellow steemers,

" Yesterday has gone, tomorrow is yet to come, Today is all we have!, Let's begin "

You're all welcome on this humble expedition but gear up guys!!! aaasteem.JPG
It's going to be a bumpy one.

I am Geezy a young student netpreneur, student and freelancer from Africa, Nigeria to be precise. I recently joined this platform and i am pretty much looking forward to steaming heat with you guys out there (That's if you don't mind).

My idea of steemit

Basically my idea of steemit is pretty much a content-fuelled twitter cum facebook styled cryptocurrency blog platform where people get judged by the quality of their posts, make friends and connect with the rest of the world.
That's pretty much all i know about this platform.

I might need a few tips of why this platform is a great platform and a little help on finding my way around. (please do share!!!)

I do hope to have fun being here.
Wish you all the BEST!!!

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