#introduceyourself - I am Dave - Steemit is My New Home

Hello Steemians!

My name is Dave and I’m very excited to join the @steemit community.


I am Dave.


My day job is making cartoons and other shows for the television. You can see which ones here

I had been married for 2 years when, in June of 2017, I discovered something kinda shitty on my wife’s cell phone. Like most people who go through a traumatic life experience, I immediately became a vegan.

Being vegan is fun and to add to the ride, I’m also allergic to all types of nuts, sesame seeds, garbanzo beans, and coconut. So it makes it extra challenging for friends and restaurant wait staff! Dining with me is like watching someone walk a tightrope over a pool full of hungry, rabid Guy Fieris. When every meal is a near-death-experience, life is never boring!

I’m 31 years old and I live in Los Angeles, CA.

I have a dog named Pace Edward James Olmos. This is a picture of him:IMG_1656.JPG



When I have any free time, I like making weird cartoons that will never be put on the television. I’ll be posting some of those!

Here is a link to one of them


Being in my line of work, I get to meet a lot of really amazing artists. I'll curate and share as much as I can!


  • I love hard sci-fi and will do some reviews of new books and TV shows.
  • I’ll also review and post about vegan restaurants and recipes.
  • I will review your account if you'd like.
  • If I ever get sick, I'll review my illness.


Neuroscience is a huge interest of mine. I hope to be able to link up with some steemians that have actually studied neuroscience or work in the field. I would love to make an animated educational series that covers some cutting-edge findings.

I'm also really into space.

Real Fake News:

My father was a local TV news reporter and the news has always interested me. Especially fake news. Like… real fake news. Not the kind that is slowly eroding our democracy. The kind you know is fake. So I plan to make some fake news articles and videos to share only on the steemit platform!

Stand Up Comedy:

I used to perform stand up for fun around LA. I’ll start going to some open mics again and record myself bombing for you all to check out so you can laugh at my failure!


I have some upcoming trips planned including San Francisco, Dublin, Greece, Buffalo, NY, and Las Vegas. I'll blog the shit out of those!

My Divorce:

  • I'mma get real-deal real with the story of my divorce. Highlights will include:
    • Trying an open marriage
    • Microdosing psychedelics
    • Adventures in online dating apps
    • Learning to cry
    • The joys of therapy
    • Finding god
    • and so much more!


I am really looking forward to getting to know you all in the steemit community. Drop by. Say hi! Don't be shy. Please don't lie. Don't make me cry. Like my ex- wi fe. 🙃

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