Hello Steemit, My name is Faris from the Caribbean ~ Introduction

My name is Faris, I am from Saint Thomas in the Caribbean. I was introduced to this interesting platform by @kichen a few weeks ago. The introduction to this platform gives me a better insight on cryptocurrency and its benefits. I always knew about cryptocurrency for the past 5 years during my High School days, but I never jumped on board because of limited knowledge.

Charlotte Amalie, Saint Thomas, USVI

I am a 19 year old University student going for Radiology (MD). It's my first year into the program; I became interested in radiology when I first started working in a hospital and saw numerous procedures. With having the opportunity to speak with Radiology Technicians and Radiologist, I really enjoyed spectating the job.IMG_1604.JPG

Since Middle School and High School I have been interested in Traditional Art, such as: Drawing, painting, and exploring various mediums. In my island, they tried to remove At in the curriculum because they "can not afford it". Despite that, I made a petition in my high school to offer AP ART, and had success. I also joined the School of Visual Arts and Careers, where I had the opportunity to be a part of Art Exhibits. So far, only one painting I have made ever sold.

This image of a Niqabi was sold to a Judge in Saint Thomas for $150. My first ever accomplishment as a self-taught artist.

Those are just some drawing I have done in High School. My most recent is an painting of my best friend. Water colors, ink and some oil pastels are used for this. 20170528_130526.jpg

I look forward to posting content about Art, The Caribbean, and other things that interest me.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

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