Introducing myself - Hello STEEMIT!

Hello guys

this is my first day on, my account has just been approved a few hours ago. It feels amazing to finally be part of the community. I really love the concept of this kind of social web. But first things first - who am I?


About Me

My name is Marco, living in Germany and I am studying for my master degree in computer science at the moment.

My favorite...

  • ... programming language is Python <3
  • ... football club is the FC Bayern München
  • ... video game is League of Legends

Why did I join steemit?

I love the idea, that the community is the "owner" of the content. Data is money. Every kind of data/information is money. Some of you may now, that the problem with facebook is: You give them data for free and they monetarize the created data. Really unfair, hm? I guess so. They make billions of dollars with all the data, we are giving them for free.
On steemit we all get our slice of the pie. It's win-win-win. We can consume great content and reward the author directly. I really like that idea. Additionally to the fact, that the blockchain technology is the future IMHO.

What will my content be about?

At the moment I would love to do some python tutorials, some tipps and tricks stuff. Maybe in german language, but I am not sure about that yet. We will see what the community wants :-P
A second thing, that just came in my mind is my friend, who creates wall art. Probably I will share some of his results with you. It's really satisfying to watch.

Thanks for approving. See you soon! :-)

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