๐ŸฌWhat The Steemit Train Is Really Like ๐Ÿ‹

So you're new to Steemit, and after enduring the waiting period for approval, you've decided to go ahead and make an #introduceyourself post. This shouldn't be too difficult right?

Abstract vector created by Freepik

This really all depends on your level of aptitude towards constructing words comprehensively. That's not all your going to need in your tool bag however, a propensity towards capturing visual appeal to the reader is also, very important.

Let's assume you have always been a fluent writer, and that capturing an audience, is nothing new to you.

Your first thought, invariably will be: "I should do pretty well here. I have always been crafty with a pen, and I've had an eye for beauty as long as I can remember." This is arguable in the sense that we all have different levels of self esteem, and self worth. Two aspects of the Steemit Train that I do believe should also, be considered.

You submit your post, and one of two things happens. You either get lucky, and get noticed by a curator, or your post gets minimal votes, and your lucky to make a couple of cents.

Let's focus on the latter, more common scenario for most.

Your next thought process is likely to be, "what did I do wrong?"

Flower image created by Freepik

There are a plethora of variables where you could have gone wrong. Tagging properly plays a huge role. You should check to see which tags are the most popular, most active, and contain higher levels of curation (if this is important to you) I will personally stress that it very well should be a concern of yours. Not accumulating Steem Power, is a sure way to get locked out of your account on a regular basis, during peak traffic hours. This is also, very bad for your exposure.

So make sure you tag correctly, and accurately!

#introduceyourself #steemit #steem #blog (just a few examples)

The next thing you possibly could have messed up, is your title. It's important to think of a catchy title, that is neither too short, or too long. A good reference would certainly be the article you are reading at the moment. I personally like to capitalize every first letter of every word. This gives a bolder look, that demands the readers attention, without being too visually overbearing.

The last aspect that I can conceivably think of, would be, did you use a photo, and was it appealing, and catching to the eye? If you answered no to those two questions, your wrong. Always use an image of some sort. It's an unwritten Steemit commandment. Trust me.. Just do it.

A quick visual appeal is very important in the world we live in today. Everything is so fast pace, you will get skipped over, without a second thought. That's just the way it works. You'll be skipped over, and no one will feel bad for you. You will simply be alone in your sorrows.

Don't worry, if you totally screwed up your first post, your not alone. Many people do, and it's nothing to get down on yourself for. I started off pretty slow myself, and I'm still busting my hump to pick up Steem.

Business image created by Jannoon028 - Freepik.com

Of course the pun was intended. ๐Ÿ˜„

So now is really where you need to start reading. Search within the platform, "how does Steemit work." Or "How does Steem power work?"

It's not likely you will fully understand everything the first time you attempt taking on this conceptual heap, unless of course, your a literal genius.

Understanding the inner workings of Steemit is no easy task. It takes work, and the drive for success.

It's not only important to understand this concept, but also, you need to think about yourself, and where your mindset converges with Steemit. Can you deliver your art, without thinking like a business oriented individual? Of course to many, the business of making money, and earning crypto is an art all its own.

If nominal, in a monetary sense is ok in your mind when using Steemit, your in for a rude awakening when you truly figure out how Steemit works. Your going to need to transform yourself into a book worm. Read, and reread, until it clicks.

Background image created by Jannoon028 - Freepik.com

You may even find yourself confronted morally. In the sense that, there are underhanded ways to obtain power and wealth while aboard the Steemit train. It's whether or not you can accept what you may have to do in order to survive and succeed that will put your morals in question. This is really the most I can say on the topic, as you will soon understand the things I speak of, if you pay attention.

Aside from the few frustrations you will encounter though, Steemit is an excellent place. It helps you strive to be your best. At least for me it does. I really think about what I say, because if I get paid well for a post, I want to feel like I earned it. It seems to me, this resonates in the community. Others also strive to deliver top notch content.

This is a win for everybody. Think about the stuff you used to post on Facebook. Little one liners, manifestations of mindless ramblings, and wasted hours, with no return.

I won't lie to you and tell you Steemit is a get rich scheme. It's based on a volatile market, so saying it's a get rich scheme is rubbish just based off that alone. It certainly takes time and thought to get paid on Steemit. You are paid from others interest in your material, and it's based off of their voting power. So unless you have some seriously interesting qualities, or skills that will give you a miracle spot in the trending zone, be prepared to put work in.

If your not going to put the work in, chances are good that your not even still reading this, but if you are, there's hope for you yet! Hop on the Steemit train, and hold on tight,

You never know what's around the corner.

People image created by Photoangel - Freepik.com

I hope this article helped assist you with some direction on where to get started with your Steemit journey. Thanks for stopping by! @futuremind

Interested is a place where you can interact with others, and absorb their super Steemian powers? Check out the unofficial Steemit-Friends discord server. I hope to see you all there!


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