My Introduction

So About Me...


Hello Steemians, my name is Jeff.
There's not really a whole lot I have to say about myself, but here it goes.
I'm 26 and married with 3 absolutly amazing children. I've caught alot of flac for that, and it's very aggravating. I may be young, and its very hard to do, but I manage to etch out a meeger exsistence for my family without government assistance. I'm very proud of that.


My profession is one of the oldest in the world, Stonemasonry. Not exactly what i would jave chosen as a child. I made a critical mistake years ago and dropped out of school, so my options were limited. To survive on my own, my only option after that was the family bussiness. It's hard work, but it very satisfying knowing im building things that will be standing long after I'm dust.


I found Steem by accident. I'm not usually one to participate in social media. To much hate, clickbait, misinformation, manipulation, ect...
But the concept steem is based on has peeked my interest. This time of year I have alot of downtime due to the weather, so I'll give this a try.

Hopefully I can be a meaningful contributer to this society. I'm not sure what to write about or post. Mainstream social media's mostly useless content is burned in my brain, and it appears steem thrives on doing the exact opposite, actually having useful information.

So here it goes. I would appreciate any feedback, good or bad. Hopefully there are many likeminded people here. Thanks for reading.!

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