WHAT, HOW, WHO – My first post on Steemit


this is my first post! I’m Italian, I’m 25 now, but I get older each year :)
My plan is to share a lot with you, about my life and the things one learns living in my part of the world, because I think each one of us has the opportunity to learn something unique from the place and the culture he/she lives in. Knowledge that has to be shared, good or bad. And if we could have eyes that see straight inside people, whatever they are and wherever they’re from… then we would probably see more than our words could describe. And maybe some bowels too...

What I do and what I'll write about

First, I intend to share my love for nature, food, journeys, music, writing, poetry, philosophy. I’ll try to entertain you with real stories and maybe write novels of fantasy; I'd like to have fun experimenting, while also trying to improve my english. I’ll take you through the places I visit, the things I learn every day and my own critical thinking. But not only that...

I’ll tell you about what I do in life, and what I do to be economically independent in a region which is not famous to be economically strong. How I try to reinvent myself continuously, doing what I can to pay the bills.

My great passion is music, which led me to be a music producer and sound engineer, currently working as a freelancer for local and international musicians, labels, producers. Another thing, quite recently, has become the world of cryptocurrencies and this brings me to how I came here…


How I came here

It was during one of my re-designs of the self that I came to discover the crypto-world, thanks also to some friends who used to talk a lot about bitcoin. But they only talked. So, I decided to make some money riding the last financial bubble, and some months after I discovered Steemit and the opportunity it gives to share and earn from both the crypto market and the sharing itself. I think that sharing should be the key to evolution, to enhance our collective consciousness; a platform which invites people to share and rewards them with money… sounds to me like a step forward into the future.
Over the last month I read a lot about it and now I truly think that if this mechanism works Steemit could be the best thing on the web. But I’m not just jumping in to make money and get rich fast; in my experience money can only be made with time and effort. So, my first goal here will be to make quality, original, content… while enjoying it!


Who I am now

@Frank.Freedom is my digital name. When Steemit asked me to choose a nickname I panicked, but I knew I wanted a complete name that I could wake up with and connect to the Matrix.

Frank because: 1, I recognize the importance of being frank 2, it’s the name I gave to the main character of my first novel 3, because I’ve been told my mother was about to call me that way (Italian equivalent) before I came out with a disappointed face.

Freedom because I wanted to have a surname, and I wanted it to have a meaning for me. Freedom is what I’m looking for, here and everywhere. It’s the only answer I can give to the question: what’s the single most important thing in life? There are many things to be enjoyed in the world, but none of these are enjoyable without freedom. Do you agree?


For all you newbies like me, I found these posts helpful:
THIS POST by @mindover answering to a lot of general questions I had about Steemit
THIS POST by @fernwehninja - a must-read guide to creating your first post
THIS POST by @shayne about general tips to keep in mind the first time you post
THIS POST by @vitkolesnik about how to make your post look good

There are many others I'd like to mention and thank for the info provided, but they're too many... thank you all guys!

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