For God's Glory1.jpg

It is with much joy that I can introduce this page to the steemit community and especially to the Christian community.

The page is a collaboration between @nextgen622 & @hope777 & @scotty777.

How did it start?

I was very frustrated with my only 10, 100% upvotes and such a lot of wonderful Christian posts but not enough steempower to make a difference and to upvote these posts. I am also disappointed in the low rewards my posts are getting lately. Since we came onto steemit, @nextgen622 was supporting myself and scotty, for which we were very grateful. He is on steemit since July 2016 and we came onboard in May 2017.

So while thinking about my frustration and the many Christian authors out there which is struggling to get attention for their posts in spite of writing excellent content, I just suddenly get the thought in my head to ask nextgen622 for his help. I really think it was the Holy Spirit that gave me this idea. I had to get enough courage to approach him and ask him for his help.

So after I asked him for his help, he gave me options how he can help and after some conversation on steem chat between him and myself, this page was born. He generously delegated the steempower for the page and open the account.

What do we want to achieve through this account?

We want to glorify God as Jesus had glorify God and has set us the example:
John 17:14 Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, 2 as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should[a] give eternal life to as many as You have given Him. 3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. 4 I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. 5 And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.

What will we post about?

All posts will be christian posts only. On my heart is discipleship, to help people stay close to God in their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Scotty will start off with looking at Books of the Bible and what it is teaching and a practical application for your daily walk with God.
@nextgen622 likes to interact with the community and we will see how he will go about it here on this page. He also did some excellent teaching on his own blog before and I am excited to see what he is going to share here.

What will we curate on?

We are looking to curate very good and excellent Christian posts.
We also are looking for people that are already involved in a ministry and is sharing about that.

Something new is coming

God willing, I will start a new Christian radio show, by the same name: For God's glory and there will be an interaction between the show and the page. I am very excited about that too. We may also future some of the content that we curate here on the show. Share some Christian testimonies and also shine the spotlight on Christian missions and projects here on steemit and last but not the least, I will play lots of gospel music.

Thank you

I just want to thank @nextgen622 for his generosity and willingness to work with us on this page. Again I want to thank all the steemians who contributed towards the fundraiser that @kubbyelizabeth, did which made it possible for me to buy my new PC. This enabled me to stay on the air with Romance on the Air and now I can also use the PC for the expansion of God's Kingdom on the new radio show For God's glory. I will keep you updated when the show is ready to air.


May you all be blessed abundantly!

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