The crypto game and Steemit

So this is my second account, i started it 1 year ago and just never did anything, but now thats changing. The world is changing again, there is a lot of political unrest in the world, currency is up and down, where do we go? Crypto currency is very very new to me, i haven't invested a single penny yet, but I'm planning on starting this month, but where do i begin and why begin at all? The answer is, why not. I'm looking at this as a hobby, I've been watching the rise of bitcoin over the last 2 years, and yes I'm kicking myself, but how do you know? So know I'm covering my bases, now i don't want to be left behind.
tree-200795_1920.jpgSo why get into Steem? Mainly because it is social media based, and everyone is addicted to it, whether your just a regular guy that wants to document his life, or just post interesting photos, you use social media. Huge corporations see the value in this, they want to reach people, so they take advantage of any opportunity to do so.
Im not activating this account to blog about my interests in life, or educate people on things I'm knowledgeable about, i do that at @forbesi. Im activating this account so i can specialize in one area. I want this blog to be a beginners guide, I'm going to document my failures and success on this platform and trading crypto.
monkey-2710658_1920.jpgI think steam is going to the moon, no joke, this platform is just growing and improving everyday, and someone is going to notice and its going to explode!

if your not into this check out my other account for stuff about travel, food and fitness, @forbesi

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