introduce myself

Hey fellow Steemians! I am Yukio a.k.a. Florider. 

And I am super excited to have recently heard more about Steemit. 

I started researching about blockchain technology and am fascinated by this community you started. 

As a copywriter and author (in dutch) I have always been frustrated by the lack of real value for any content creation given to the source of that creation. 

Be it music, stories, blogs or other, I personally feel the creator should be the one receiving the most value when value is due. Unlike how for instance paintings of dead artists suddenly become exponentially more valuable then when the artist was living. 

If your creation is appreciated by others and they show their love through likes, upvotes or sharing it seems totally logical to be rewarded for the effort.

With Steemit I see a beautiful platform for (content) creators to grow and create more beautiful, moving, informative, news worthy and FUN content that is truly valued for its merit and effort.

Next to writing I am also a business coach and I work with creative entrepeneurs so perhaps I can share some of my experiences about being self-employed or starting your own business.

Living in The Netherlands there are also plenty of adventures to be shared from this crazy culture called the dutch. So maybe I will be sharing some thoughts on that as well.

I am l honored to be part of the Steemit Community so I hope to connect with you soon. 

Until then, 

1 love,


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