[M]y First Post. Be Gentle.

Alright steemit.

You did it. You got me to post something on a public part of the internet. As a professional web-lurker who never bothered to add his two cents on anything, I can firmly say I never expected to do this sort of thing. But I’m glad I am now.

I wouldn’t say I was inhibited by any sort of social anxiety. While growing up, I confidently informed people about subjects I knew fuck-all about. But as I learned more and more, I began to realize just how little I knew. And the thing about realizing you don’t know anything? It tends to subdue the urge to whip out your opinion and wave it around.

So here I am. I’ll still be the guy who takes everything he thinks and writes with a grain of salt. Feel free to take advantage of that. I welcome any and all well-thought-out criticism of my work and will use my smallish upvote to encourage that on my posts over flattery.

So now that I just gave myself a copout, time to let you all a little further into my head.


Me lounging comfortably.

These are exciting times. Autonomous vehicles are spreading, rockets are landing, and new kinds of businesses are exploding from industries that didn’t exist a few years ago. Now I’m writing on a platform that enables and pays content creators in a decentralized way. My mind is continuously blown by the developmental pace of technology despite fully expecting exponential progress.

Speaking of exponential progress, if you’re like me, as of recent times, there’s just too damn much you’d like to learn. How do you keep up in a world where the limits of human knowledge are sprinting off in every direction at once? Pick and choose… specialize… isn’t that kind of depressing?

I gave up ground to that way of thinking slowly but surely, but I don’t want to anymore. So, I’ve decided to relearn how to learn. I want to be better at absorbing all the interesting things people are coming up with. I want to read faster and retain more information each day than I could the day before. If these goals sound like something you can get behind, and you want to give them a shot yourself, you’re in luck! 😊 As I go through this process, I plan to use this platform to solidify what I’ve learned on how to efficiently learn.

As for my other goals for this platform, I decided a while ago to begin creating content. I do armchair philosophy and creative writing. Now I could continue to never release my stories and musings on the internet in any public way, but this place won me over. So, here’s a sneak peek of some content I plan to release soon.



Fiction (Sci-fi/Fantasy)

I’ve been writing fiction ever since I was little. I like to think I’ve gotten pretty good it, but I guess we’ll find out together. Here are the two main stories I’m working on. They’ll be novel-length once they are complete.

  • Universe of Lies – This story consists of several seemingly unrelated stories that end up tangling together and explaining each other away. I try to make each individual story as interesting as possible as a standalone work, but the additional layers are there for people who like to theorize. This’ll be one of the first things I start releasing.
  • The Timestone – A helpless boy in an hidden country happens across powers of foresight and uses them to rescue a stranger from another land.



Armchair Philosophy

I don’t know shit about anything. Now that we’ve established that, I’d like it if you’d join me every now and again in pretending I know a ton of shit about esoteric subjects. Here’s the first one I’d like to write about in the coming weeks.

  • Not Everything is Possible – Possible is a mathematical concept, and the phrase ‘anything is possible’ lowers people’s standards for evidence.



Know Your Brain

Ever since completing a grad degree in neuroengineering, I’ve been reading about the brain nonstop. I’d like to share what I’ve learned as well as some of my reflections on how people think. Here’s a personal favorite that I’ll probably start with.

  • How to Change Someone’s Mind – How is the brain structured, and what does this teach us about being persuasive? What can you do to eliminate personal bias?



Learning with Me

Last, but not least, as I said, I’ll be sharing my journeys through assorted topics here as well.

  • Relearning How to Learn – Join me as I attempt to retrain my brain to think mainly in images instead of with a voice.
  • Tensorflow Projects – AI is awesome. It’s the future. Let’s code up some pieces of the future.

If any of my planned content sounds interesting to you, or you produce similar content that you think will inspire me, don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

And with that, I think I’ll leave you all with a poem from Universe of Lies.

“You’re a plate. I’m a plate. A plate of rock, a plate of sand.
We crash together, what seems like forever, to shape and form the land.
Our progress is slow, but never backward. I’m closer to you each second.
Our love makes mountains, quakes; and destroys all that be beckoned.
And the heat between us grows with time, a passion in our core.
A buildup of such magnitude, it’ll erupt forevermore.

You’re the sea. I’m an isle. Your body flows around me.
I hold my own, but recall again - I was as rough as rough can be.
Born from volcanic passion, you’ve shaped me my whole life.
Where you touch, I become smooth, you slide in me like a knife.
But while I have you, you have them, your isles, all of them yours.
Your push is steady, your true loves eddy, the land above us whores.

You’re the sun. I’m a seed. I need and take. You have enough.
I, daughter of a whore and the lovesick force, a diamond in the rough.
Your love is life, and light, and worth, and everything that I can’t give back.

And when you finally smother me, I’ll return what you’ll then lack.
But before then, I’ll make you proud; together we’ll make something more.
Something that will leave you breathless, that explores beyond your shore.

You’re human. I’m human. We build and create a universal kiss.
We’re from the sun, and from the sand, from passion, light and wish.
And to our silent life givers we say to you just this.
Your gifts we hold them dearly; your voice we have all heard.
We’ll make you proud among your friends, your dream, a dream deferred.
We are your chosen offspring, we’ll spread and learn, just say the word.”

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