Hello Steemit. I choose you.

tiptoes in and clears throat...

Hello Steemians! It's taken me a bit to gather the courage to hop aboard. I heard about Steemit and your wonderful community about a year ago when I was deciding what social media platform I wanted to join. When I read about this community I knew then and there, this would be the place for me.


Who am I?

My name is Niki Dee and I'm a dreamer and upstart homesteader. My partner and I hatched a plan 12 years ago to get out of suburbia and create our own homestead. What took so long? It's not always easy to extricate yourself from the “real” world. But we did and we have just bought 60 acres of raw land in Middle Tennessee.

me on our land

Once we purchased the land, my mom and our two daughters expressed interest in moving onto it along with us. The more the merrier! So my mom, our daughters and their respective families are in the midst of making the move too. 5 Dog Farm will make up 4 generations of family willing to live and work on the farm to make their own individual homestead dreams come true. Now, you know when you get all this family together it is bound to be... ummm.... interesting, so I decided to start a blog and document our adventure (mostly for family members) but then others became interested!

My intent is

to offer you views of our journey from our 6 year old granddaughter all the way thru to my 79 year old mom. She's a hoot! Different perspectives, abilities and goodness knows opinions! For instance, our daughters home and our home will be off the grid. Our other daughter and my mom will be on the grid. What could go wrong?

I'm hoping for

comments and suggestions from my fellow Steemians as we approach or complete a project since I discovered long ago there's more than one way to do something and we are always willing to learn! I also hope our journey can inspire you to follow your dreams.

So here's a little video where I clear my throat, play with my hair too much and seem a bit wide-eyed, but as I'm learning... you go nowhere without that first step... even if you're tip-toeing.

Thanks for watching!

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