Hello Everyone! This is my introductory post! In compliance with the appropriate introduction as told by @louielowa

My name is Fiel Alexandree T. Becada or simply Fiel. I'm a simple guy who has an extraordinary dream in life.
So this is my biography...

When I was a child, I am a consistent honor student. I graduated with flying colors in a small school, I received 13 gold medals and 1 certificate. Yes, my pride swallowed my being. I was so arrogant at that time because their praise uplift my soul (we all have that characteristic tho, but at least God changed my perception in life)


As time flies by so fast, I became a rebellious child. I started complaining God why He put me here on earth and why I am surrounded by these crazy people. So I was finding true happiness at that time, I started chasing fame. So I tried modeling (but my happiness wasn't there).


I've searched all around the world to find true happiness. Maybe at that time, God used my father to tell me about the hidden things about God, and I was so enlightened.

It was April 17, 2016 when God changed my life (I can't forget the date, because it was the best day ever that happened in my entire life-- the Holy Spirit dwell in me and I kept on saying these words, "Thank you, Jesus!" and "Jesus" while screaming...


All I can say in my whole story of my life is..... God is awesome!

I am Fiel Alexandree T. Becada, a wretched sinner saved by grace.

Thanks a lot for reading this, hope you can help me here in Steemit, and surely I’ll do the same way around for you.

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