My First Steemit Post! Hello Everyone

Having worked for 21 years on the festival circuit in the U.K. I feel it's time to share all the fun I have during the summer with all who might be interested. Starting at Common people Southampton the season began dry and sunny, an easy one to kick off the year with most things going as planned. A few beers some great food and ok music but catching up with the 'gang' and winter exploits is always a long session . Next a little trip on a boat to the IOW Festival where work begins in Ernest, my son @crypto-curt comes with me and we start delivering gas to our customers, showers and workers canteens. As one of the 3 essential services along with water and electric we make all festivals a little more comfortable for all. So if your eating hot food taking a shower or keeping warm by a fire it more than likely I delivered that gas.
Week 3 and it's the biggest festival of the season GLASTONBURY ! hard work follows over 4000 bottles of LPG to be delivered around site, (much beer needed of an evening to numb to pain lol) top band playing I must have seen most if not all top bands over the years, a lucky lucky man. Next I'm off to Love Supreme a jazz festival in Brighton more gas more fun and the odd beer, oh got to see the Jacksons again too, better set than Glastonbury in my opinion also. Right onwards and upwards lets rock the next one ✌️More to followIMG_0010.PNG



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