Something about me

Hi everyone! I'm Ákos from Serbia, I'm 21 years old, and I love crypto, travelling, beer and sports. I used to train kayak on a daily basis for several years, and also of course I went to a few competitions. Currently I am studying bioengineering in Hungary. Here is a pic about me in a kayak:

At first I did not even know what can I work after finishing it at the university (I just liked the science part of it when choosing), but now, in my third year, I start to get the point.

I got in this whole crypto world a few months ago, and as most of us I would like to make a few extra bucks. Although my goal is to make money, I am also fascinated by the technology, and I am learning new things about it every day by finding new (interesting) projects, reading, and watching YT videos about it. I am new to Steemit too, but I could find some quality content here, and the community also seems quite good. I hope that somehow I can contribute to the communitys work, and also that I can expand my knowledge on cryptos, and lastly that I can improve my english skills. Thanks for the attention, have a good day!

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