Punk rock Vegan chef and Business owner in the house !

Hi All

New to this awesome platform ,looking forward to learn and connect more !

I live in Stanbridge east Québec , Canada , amazing little town in the eastern townships with lots if nice vineyards and organic farms .

I have lived in Montreal pretty much all my life and loved every second of it . Just needed to experience country living and moved 2 years ago , mainly for my kids . Want them to live close to nature and learn to interact with it . So far so good !

I played drums and guitar in punk rock bands . After 25 years of touring all over the world needed a little break. I still join them as a replacement drummer , when needed...
My bands :
The Ripcordz (1990-2014)
The Brains (2002-2011)
The Vulgar deli (1998-2015)

I am also a Vegan chef , owned and operated a restaurant in 2005-2007. All vegan and organic with some raw food as well. Teached cooking classes and workshops around healthy eating . Fun!

I am now currently re-starting my vegan food business here in the country ... a nice challenge .

My website https://betteetcarde.com is all about clean eating with tips tricks and recipes (all in french though ).

I have also started network marketing about 10 years ago with nice companies . Now with Merlim network , a great mobile game platform that generates money while playing video games , it's just starting and I can see great potential in a near future .Let me know if you wanna know more .

I work as an organic food broker, managing a large catalogue of organic food companies in the Quebec market . Its a growing niche and I am glad to be a pert of its growth .

I have 2 kids, my boy 12 and daughter 6 , they're fun, smart and energetic kids , I am very grateful to be their dad .

I practice daily Buddhist meditation and walking the dharma path since 2010. It's a great way to stay focused, compassionate and grateful .

I have interests and invested in forex trading and cryptocurrencies as well , it's fascinating and it gives me hope . Love to learn more everyday .

I am glad to have found you steemit !!

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