It's time to join the Steemit community !So Let me introduce myself !!

I suppose its my turn to joing this community and introduce myself ! ~

Who am i ?

My name is Hanna and I just turned 21 and I'm from Norway.
I'm quite the creative sort, if I can get my hands on anything that can be made into something else I will do it!
I enjoy quite a few things in life and all of them will probably reflect what I will end up posting here, such as art, crafts, gaming and animals~!

My Story

My story, huh? It's not too much to as I'm still quite young in my opinion BUT there is certainly stuff to tell!
from every since I was a wee lass, my mom has taken me adventuring! I have seen so many parts of the world and sometimes we would even travel as often as 3 times a year. but now that I have grown a bit I have also seen some places without my mom by my side like Marocco and Japan!
I was never really too fond of school so most of my years in school, I ended up sleeping through it since I never really knew what sleep was and thus didn't really have a rhythm!! gasp I was such the rebel ( not really) I ended up taking design classes for two years and then just normal subjects for one year after that.
At this point I had gotten enough of normal school, but school were still a safe zone kind so I didn't want to call it a quit quite yet, so I decided to take Cosplay classes! (for those who doesn't know what it is, its costume making of characters from series, movies and games! ), I learnt a lot of crafting techniques!
After that i moved back to my family and found my self an appartment of my own and got a cat. and thats where im at at this moment ! ~

What will i be posting ?

now that is a good question ! what ill post will be reflected in my hobbies and what i do in daily life so a bit random, but mostly craft and art related stuff !
I'm looking forward to becoming a part of this community and do my best in entertaining you all with my creations and daily life ! ~~



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