[Travel,no tits ;)] Hi, I'm Jacob Gadikian, and I'm a geek. I believe in context PART I of II

The Question of the day is:

Who Is Jacob Gadikian?

@faddat is Jacob Gadikian, of course! Brief info:

Early Years

  • Born in Buffalo, NY
  • Normal-ish childhood.
    • Didn't like elementary school much:
      • I'm probably a tad autistic. People can be assholes.
      • Unregulated, underfunded, well intentioned but still fucking useless catholic elementary school (St. Mary Of the Lake in Hamburg, NY) had nothing useful to offer me-- they didn't even manage to beat into me that it was easier to conform to mediocrity.
      • Didn't take kindly to students choosing not to be religous, etc...
    • Boating
    • Swimming
    • Allegheny State Park
    • Lots of time at various relatives houses
    • Failing at a number of sports and such:
      • Ballet
      • Soccer
      • Baseball
    • Reading a ton
    • Wing Commander I, II, III, IV, Privateer

Fledgling Technopreneur

  • Started working at 12
    • Paper route
    • building & selling & repairing & networking computers a year later.
    • Had a micro-CRM-consultancy by the time I headed to college
  • focused on tech in High School, but they didn't teach that, so mostly I focused on business/work
  • Somehow did alright in High School anyway

"Higher" Education

  • Moved to Chicago to attend Loyola University Chicago (If there are any Jesuits reading this, I'm eternally grateful to your order for footing the bill for my schooling.)
    • History as a major was pretty flexible so I did like this:
      • Sophomore Year - Rome, Italy (LUC Rome Center)
      • Junior Year - Accra, Ghana (University of Ghana)
        While in Ghana, one day I was sitting on the porch in my dorm (the ISH, if you know the Legon campus at all-- the top-left room if you're facing the front of the building) and I think I'd recently read an economist article about the effects of mobile telephones on poverty. If you didn't know, they more or less eliminate extreme poverty within a few months. I started to ponder networks, in a serious way, and before I quite realized, I'd created a connectivity concept that I'm still chasing. This wasn't really "my vision" per se-- I'm aware of literally hundreds like me, working for universal, free (beer) Free (speech) networks. So, I guess you could say I started working on this in late 2004/early 2005.... but I took a few detours.
      • Summer 2005 - Planned to drop out of school and pursue a startup using 802.11b wireless to make a mesh network in Accra. It went very poorly, and I pretty much know why: The tech wasn't nearly ready. We're still working on it today, in fact. Anyway, Loyola, being the good sports that they were, let me finish school with my scholarship intact.
      • December 2005 - Graduated from College!

The United States

As you have probably figured out I don't live in the states. The most profound thought I have on my home country is in fact that if we'd spent just 75% of the money that we've spent blowing shit up on fixing stuff and developing new technology, I might not regard it as more or less hopeless.

In the next post (~24 Hours From Now), I'm going to go over my projects and current work. This was just sort of background, and maybe a template for others to use.

Web Profiles

technologyProfile URLHandle
facebookhttps://facebook.com/jacob.gadikianN/A or "Jacob Gadikian"
linkedinhttps://linkedin.com/in/jacob.gadikianNA or "Jacob Gadikian"
blogspot/bloggerfaddat.blogspot.comJacob Gadikian / faddat
personal homepagejacobgadikian.comJake / faddat
Maidsafe Forumhttps://forum.safenetwork.io/users/faddat/activityfaddat

Other Info

Full NameJacob Anthony Gadikian
Birth Year1983
Current CityHanoi
Office AddressUp Coworking, Hanoi Creative City, 1 Loung Yen, Hai ba trung, Hanoi
PoliticsTechno-Utopian - give everyone a UBI so there's no poverty, and beyond that, let the market do its thing.

Places I've made it to


My location in real-time:


(Hover over the part where it names a city...)

Teaser 1


What can I say, they did a pretty good job with the card and logo:


Part Two can be found here

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