Out of the Fog, Down the Tubes: the newest trans girl on Steemit!


Ok, Steem. Let's try this dance once more time.

For those of you who have stumbled upon this humble post, you've passed the first test. Welcome to my domain.

I'm Roxy. Im 29, I live in Canada, i work in the film industry, and I am a transgender woman.

What this means is that I will be talking about a lot of trans-related issues. For myself, that involves coming to terms with my new lifestyle, making the adjustment, and generally doing my best to make the world around me a better place.

Now, full disclosure : i used to be a guy, so I have an intimate knowledge of just how much bullshit they are. No, I'm not here to provide you with nudes because you demand them. I may sell my soul at some later date, but youd have to pay me an awful lot. In the interim, be cool and I'll do likewise. If you're so inclined as to sic your bots on me to upvote my stuff and make me more coin, Im cool with that.

This is of course, just what I'm spitballing off the top of my head. I'm certain we'll have much more interesting things to talk about.

Until next time!



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