An Introduction - Again, but in a different form - Introducing my Travel business and Crypto Payments

Hey everyone, it's @misslasvegas here, introducing my business account: Explore Pathways, or Exploring Pathways as it's actually called (but I couldn't fit it all within the allowed characters).

The purpose of this account is to write about my journey with this business, and any updates as I go along. So let's give into the first details.

First of all: My logo. I had another one in mind, but I had to pay for it and this isn't within my budget right now, so I decided to keep things simple and create my own.
Please let me know what you think!

Exploring Pathways Logo.png

Introducing Exploring Pathways and the Why

The first thing I want to cover is that once I start taking bookings, it will be possible to pay in crypto, and of course, I will try my very best to make HBD payments possible as well!

If you want to check out my website, you can find it here:
OK, so a little while ago, I decided to take matters into my own hands, rather than to sit back and wait until I find another regular job. I've worked for several corporations over the year, and you just can't depend on them in the long run, and I found this out the hard way.

Therefore, I thought of what I can do to become financially more secure and independent, and I figured, if there's one thing I do well, and have done a lot of, it's travel.
So my travel website was born.

However, with it, I didn't quite know how to get this thing off the ground and actually create an income. A lot of affiliate marketing programs are either not for me, or they wouldn't accept my website, for whatever reason. I still have to learn a lot about these things!
So I started looking at other venues to create an income.
Booking travel would be amazing, however, you need accreditations with the travel branch companies like IATA. Something I don't have.
Until I found this amazing company that lets you link their booking program to your website.
They don't charge a percentage, but a monthly subscription.
The price is very reasonable ($49 a month or $99 a month, depending on your wishes), however, right now it's just not within my budget. I figured, I'd have to be able to pay this for at least a month or two/three to make it viable. Especially since whatever income is generated is not always paid right away. It gets paid 1 week after the end of the former month, but only bookings that have been
taken and fulfilled. If I'd book something for someone for January, I wouldn't get paid until they actually make the trip, since they can still cancel most of it. On the plus side: I'd get paid for those, while also still making other bookings, so it would all add up.

The beauty of working with this company is that they offer amazing discounts on a lot of the flights, hotels, etc. so it'd be a great way to be competitive in this market.
And they work with all the major companies, so that's amazing.

So because I don't have the means right now to pay for 3 months of a subscription with this company, I decided to explore other avenues to create an income. For the short or long term.

Interviews with Interesting Companies

At first, I wanted to keep the website purely for family travel, world schoolers, and digital nomads. However, I found that I'd be limiting myself. A lot!
So I included Active travel, Adult Only Travel, Golf Destinations, Diving & Snorkeling Destinations and Wedding Destinations.

I decided to approach interesting companies, to see if there could be a collaboration.
The first one I approached was a wedding event planner who offered weddings in unique places.
Within minutes, the owner of the company replied, and we spoke about a possible collaboration.
I told her that I'd usually just write an article about a company, but in this case, I'd love to do an interview. And in return, we'll also speak about a commission when my website brings clients to hers. It's a win/win situation if you ask me, and exciting too, because I love doing interviews with amazing companies! So stay tuned, because I will be posting the interview here, as well as on the website.

This experience led me to contact more companies, and especially those where I can visit in person.
There are many wonderful resorts and hotels here and some are quite under the radar.
It's another opportunity for me to whip out my camera, dust off my drone, and go to places I usually wouldn't go. I'm quite exited about this!
I used to do travel articles for a travel magazine in the past, so this is right up my alley!

And more Opportunities

I found another opportunity that could potentially bring another income stream, but I will delve into this a little deeper at another time.

Thank you for reading, and if you have any ideas or tips for my new business and website, please feel free to let me know.

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