Let me introduce you new Steemian, Me :)

Hello everyone!

I am finally here :) on the real next generation social media & network. I believe I have a lot of cool, interesting and useful things, and sometimes a bit silly as well, to share with the community. As I am a newbie here I am beginner in blogging too and do not have any previous blogging experiences or special skills. I have so much to learn and I am looking forward to it. I am not a blogger, but I would not mind to become one, because I like to share funny, interesting and useful things with the others to entertain, inform and educate people.

If you are native speaker or very good in English, you will (or did) probably notice that my English is not perfect. So to all grammar nazis out there, your every suggestion is welcome! I see nothing bad in that, actually I like to be corrected, that is how we grow and learn. And I am always keen to improve my English.

And finally something about me. I am from Slovenia, I am (still) finishing MSc in Business Logistics in Ljubljana, the capital city. At this point I am jobless and willing to become entrepreneur. I love travelling and have already travelled across most of the Europe, but I have not been overseas yet. Hope to change that asap.
I have experienced living abroad. I used to live in Lisbon, Portugal for almost half of year, and did my internship there. And also lived in France, Normandy, in the city of Le Havre, where I did my all year Erasmus exchange. I don't speak Portuguese nor French. You can imagine how much fun was communicating with people in both countries, where most of people do not speak English. Hilarious & lots of fun! :))
Besides Slovenian, which is my native, I am fluent in Croat, Serbian, Bosnian and Montenegrin language. All those languages are very similar or almost the same if I am exact, except Slovenian. I was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina and moved with my parents to Slovenia as an infant. That is why I am fluent in my parents' native language, Serbo-Croatian, as was language formally called in the former Yugoslavia.

I think that will be enough of trivial information about me for now. I believe this post is already too long ツ

With my future posts I will reveal more stuff about me and my personality. I intend to share things my versatile mind find interesting, also my life experiences, some random knowledge, news and information. In general I will share with you all the things that inspire me.

Thank you for taking the time to read my very first blog post ever :)

My next post will be online soon. Stay tuned!

Peace out!

PS: I have already got some ideas, during writing this post, what to share with you guys. So in the near future you can expect some facts about Slovenia and countries from Adriatic region, some knowledge, news and information about logistics, technology, block-chain, design, travel, entrepreneurship, entertainment, cannabis industry, and some others fields.

If you think my writings will be interesting, follow me @evoleno

Best regards,
M.Si aka Marinus

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