Hi Steemit. Call me Evie, today is my birthday and this is my first post and a bit of my story. Let me introduce myself!

Call me Evie. Today is my 26th birthday, and this is my first post and introduction to the Steemit community.

Who am I? Why am I Here?

Call me Evie. Today is my 26th birthday. I’m Canadian, currently residing in British Columbia. I'm a snowboarder, organic farmer, holistic nutritionist, classically trained singer, artist, writer, traveller and a bit of a wanderer. 

Fairy orbs in Tofino, BC

This is my first introduce yourself/blog post on Steemit. Or ever, really.

Im a story teller. 

For as long as I can remember I've been looking for a platform that values authenticity and the creative process. Somewhere I can make the necessary mistakes, and be met with opportunities to improve and grow, as an artist, a writer, photojournalist and a human-being. I adore a challenge; to be inspired by others and their unique journey.


Im a bit of a comedian and I’ve always struggled to find a way to let that shine through without compromising being taken seriously and being valued for my deeper thoughts, opinions and broody, creative side. The complexities of someone with a playful heart an inquisitive mind and deep thoughts. I have an over active imagination, and I usually can’t make myself do anything that I don't really want to do. When I do want something I'm a force to be reckoned.

Little me, larger than life

I'm an INFJ, if you're into that sort of thing. I never would have figured this out myself, so it's thanks to a pair of gloriously nerdy brothers that I know this, who should seriously be paid for all of the knowledge they have and research that they’ve done into the Meyers Briggs personality types. 

I love to write and I can only attribute the knowledge that I have to the fact that I read like mad as an adolescent. You may have noticed that I’m quite good at creating run-on sentences, and I'm not entirely sure that I've quite grasped the art of the elusive semicolon; I use it anyways. I'm a Pisces and I've been told that I'm Irish, German and Croatian, with a bit of Gypsy blood. 

I'm fascinated with herbalism, aryuvedic medicine, any type of nutrition, anatomy and biology. Ive been vegan, raw vegan and am currently doing Keto, which I'm loving. I took my course for holistic nutrition about three years ago through CSNN (Canadian School of Natural Nutrition). 

I love animals, and am passionate about the environment, as the human affect on our planet weighs heavily on my mind. 

Since I can remember I’ve been passionate about helping the less fortunate. People, animals, forests - as a little girl I wanted to save them all. 

Camping in the kootenays, Fall 2016

Finn, my muse, my best friend, my little mischievous companion

How Did I Find Steemit?



There I was, twenty-five, penniless, homeless and spending my days frolicking at the beach and my nights dancing in the clubs. I was at the tail end of a relationship that had gone about as far south as it could go. I sat on his couch, where his girlfriend- my best friend, had invited me to stay.

I was still smiling and free spirited, despite my current ordeal, eating the best breakfast tacos I've ever had.
Thanks, by the way.

I told him I was used to this. I haven't had a stable home in over a year.

“You should blog about it. You could share your experiences.” 

"Well I have no shortage of those!" I said this satirically. 

Im good at getting myself into dicey situations in the name of a good time, an adventure, a new experience- or a boy; Usually a boy. Even better if its a boy who promises all three. Make me laugh and I'm yours.

“You should do it. Share the food you make, the things you see- you can even make money doing it!” 

I laughed because of the current state of my life. It’s always something that I'd known I would do, but when I'm more stable. When I have something more to contribute, a focus.

I don't even have a kitchen. Or a job. Or a bed. Or a clean shirt. 

I do, however, have half a pack of twisted teas in my bag, "We should hit the beach."

Friendsgiving at Gabriel and Christine's with my best friend and partner, Aaron - Fall 2017

I think too much. I feel a lot. Despite this and my impulsive nature, I'm logical, and treat people with as much kindness as I can afford. There's no logic behind hurting others. My biggest flaw is that I assume others are as logical in this regard as I am. That they are good in nature and will act on that, that they're not capable of malice or deceit, because who would want to live with themselves like that? 

Its easier to live on impulse than to dwell on the past or worry about the future, that your life is passing you by and you're not moving towards something. Anything.

I believe when you've been stuck too long in one spot, it's best to throw a grenade and jump. And pray. -Robyn, Tracks

Its all pouring out now. The creative; The expression; everything I was scared to face is bursting out into something more beautiful than I could have imagined. A self-love that runs deep. What I had been chasing the whole time. The girl I had the potential to be, but could never quite grasp.


I'm coming out of a period of deep introspection and isolation. I moved to a knew city, where I knew no one. Ive focused on nurturing my creative instincts and my voice. It’s no mistake that this would be the time that I’ve discovered Steemit with its community and a platform to share myself as an artist. I am both looking forward to what I can learn from other members of this community, as well as what I can contribute and learn about myself as I grow along the way. This is going will be the first and main platform on which I will be sharing this. My thoughts, findings, experiences, photographs, adventures, nutrition wisdom, art and reflections as I plan and move forward onto this road ahead. 

Being the girl that I was; so busy collecting experiences, has allowed me to become who I needed to be to get here. Im in it. I’m the woman I wanted to be. Now, instead of running from her and towards the person I always needed, I am that person. Its my time to dive in, face first, laughing and determined. Still wild. A free spirit, must be the Gypsy blood, but with a self-respect that runs deep. Try and put out my light, I dare you! Come with me on this journey and lets go do something fun! 

Here are my verification photos

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