Nice to meet you, I'm Erune!

Hello everyone, my name is Ernesto Durán. and no, I'm not that dry and formal, I'm more like my hair shows in this photo


You saw it? I am a person with a very active mind, and my day to day is based on creativity, now I will describe a bit like the project in my day to day:

I'm a Graphic Designer (inclined to the creative area, branding or personal branding and Illustration) and here is a small example of things I do, because we are going, this is about presenting ourselves properly, is not it ?:

rojos color.jpg
Venezuela logo.jpg

In addition, I have been photographing for more than 10 years, and it is my second career, at least for me, and it has been a world full of many experiences and great experiences, with which even today I continue to learn and advance;


Ehhmm ... better not talk about that last photo, okay? xD

If I had to choose a word that would describe me, I would say that the closest would be that word, because, as I have been commenting for a while, I base my work, my day to day life and basically, creativity, I consider it a fundamental part that marks the bases on who I am and how I am, but Hey! that when I have to take things with the proper seriousness, believe me I do it and very well.

I am a creator of images and content in general, since my trades as photographer and designer complement each other a lot, and in my future posts I will be able to see it, I hope to be able to count on you in this new way.

I like hats, videogames (I am a hardcore gamer to the RPG genre) music because I am a traveling rookie, good books (highlighting medieval genres) and dancing, because besides mentally, I love expressing creativity with dancing , and what better way to do that than with breaking

Erune roshi.jpg

And with this, I think I could take it for granted that I introduced myself with all of you, I hope you will get to know me a little more in the future and welcome to this small GREAT space full of creativity and photographs with some other lyrics!

IMPORTANT: everything you see here, I did it and has my direct copyright, so never ask me that question, ok?

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