Hi I’m Elyar. I sang for millions of people, toured arenas, topped the charts, and then disappeared into thin air. PART 4

PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3 

It all felt wrong. I’d ignored my tastes and Self for so long. I felt numb, bored or anxious – usually all three at once. 

I’d released 2 fairly successful singles with my label/management and was internationally known, but I never felt like I deserved the incredible fans I had gained. I worked hard - but knew I was capable of so much more than I what was putting out into the world.  

The relationships weren't working. I desired development and authenticity, but the label was more interested in the fastest buck. The compromise had become too complicated and we parted ways. The word got around and managers were approaching, looking to do a US deal and get more music out quickly. But I knew that I wasn’t ready, I’d made that mistake once and I needed to work on myself. Lacking a mentor, it was now up to me. 

I decided to build a studio in my back garden with my brother. 

We started producing music together for the first time and a vision started to appear. I decided it was time to disappear from the internet/public eye and get deeper into the music and focus on the vision that was growing.

I took my videos down from YouTube and started releasing music under the name ‘SVFARI’ to completely free myself from anything I’d done in the past. I’d never produced my own music and released it before - it felt amazing. To see people from all over the world enjoying SVFARI’s music when I didn’t have a single fan to start with.   

I felt the furthest away from Elyar Fox I’d been in ages. I felt like I was starting to find myself. The music industry started showing interest after my song ‘Beautiful Human’ got featured on some influential music blogs, which was a confidence boost in my ability to make things happen my way.

Beautiful Human (Audio)

A couple months ago, I decided it was time to come back, but just as Elyar (My birth name). I released Beautiful Human and gave a breif explanation to why I publicly evaporated. It’s going to be a lot of work building things up independently and becoming a better artist, but I’ve given myself what I’ve wanted for so long; A new beginning.

So here I am. The most I’ve ever said on the Internet. Leave me a comment and let’s talk. I’m excited to get back on the road soon and to share my music, thoughts and everything that’s happening with you, here on Steemit.

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