Ellie Louise - Music lover, Photograph taker, Social awkwardness queen ...

Photo on 01-07-2017 at 22.44 #2.jpg


As cliche as this will most definitely sound, my name is Ellie, I'm 26 and live in South London with my rather large immediate and extended family. I currently work as a Learning and Development consultant, however my passions in life are photography, music and generally trying to help others.

I'm hoping this blog will be a mixture of my passions - the photo's I've taken, mixed with music I love, the books I've read and hopefully stories about my struggles with anxiety that may potentially help others. I say hopefully as writing about it will be a completely new thing for me as I'm not used to sharing the personal things about myself on social media ... however, I do want to help people and I think this may be a good start in doing so. I'm also excited to read all about other peoples passions and thought processes on here and potentially getting to know some of you :) .

If you haven't already caught on, I'm not the best at writing things like this but do bare with ... I'm hoping the talent to do so will hit me the more I do it!

I think I may stop the introduce me part there as I'd like to let you all get to know me a bit more through the posts I create on here ... trying to keep it short but sweet!

So - thanks for having a read guys, I'll see you soon!

Ellie (the girl who likes to use a lot of ! apparently ...)

P.S A big shout out to Tommy (https://steemit.com/@hopefulvagabond) for introducing me to this wonderful platform ... I think you should all go and check out his blog and follow him for an insight into his incredible brain. :)

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