My Introductory and First Post as a Steemian | Hi! I'm Ellen

 Hello Steemit! Hello world! How are you? Just this day, I signed up with this wonderful community. As a new member of the family, I am about to tell you who am I. 

  Seen above is my verification photo, taken just this day at our school. 😊     

  And to start, I am Ellen Mae Tungal. Take the initials of the first   and second words of my name for my nickname, my parents call me   "Em-em"; but you can call me "Ellen." I am a proud young Filipina  living  in the City of Consolacion, Cebu. I turned 16 last September 2  and I am  living my life to the fullest.  


  Pose and smile! Yes, It's me, myself and I. Blessed   enough, I am studying at one of the most prestigious universities in  the  whole Visayas region of the Philippines, the University of Cebu. I  am a  Senior High School student under STEM (Science, Technology,  Engineering  and Mathematics) Strand - Academic track and planning to  become a  future Civil Engineer someday, taking the legacy of my  cousins.   

 My cousins are graduating Mechanical and Electrical Engineering   degrees. Yes, definitely I love Mathematics. I love how Math numbers   make me brain storm. Funny to think, but I like the most when I am   challenged. I am planning to take this kind of course to satisfy myself   upon craving on designs, structures and math stuffs not to mention  that I  graduated with flying colors.  

 Oops...! I have brothers too. Meet Eldon and Elgie. Our family is   really a dog lover, especially my mom. We make sure they are healthy   always ( taking bath, give proper shelter and healthy foods ). We even   often toothbrush their teeth and cut their nails! Hahaha. Yes, it's true!  

  I love modeling, though I am not a model. I got my appears from   my mom. I love posing, or shall I say I am just friendly in front of  the  camera lenses.  

  My mom always push me that I am capable of expressing myself  in  front of the camera. I maybe perhaps need some proper training, but   never mind. I have to school first. As of now, I am planning to start   entering beauty contest. I have the full support of my family. Maybe   funny, but sometimes the thought of becoming the Miss Universe often   appears and flashes into my mind. Haha. Should I start now and give it a   try?  

 Aside from that, I also love drawing. I love to share my  drawing  here soon in the community. That picture was just part of my  ongoing  comics. I have a wild imagination, I got it maybe from my Dad.  He has  the most neat and beautiful penmanship I've ever seen, and also  he is  capable on drawing. 

    Travels? Yes, I love traveling! One of my goals in my life is   to travel the world with my loved ones. After earning my degree, I   really want to visit Disney Land. It's really my ambition to be there   since I was a child. 


 Here are some facts about myself:    

  • I love drawing, writing, singing and dancing. 
  • I love to eat but not to cook. To taste the yummiest food in the world is also my goal.  
  • I love pink, give me everything but only pink!
  • I am a friendly individual, I have best friends.
  • I am high spirited and have great faith in God.
  • I am a family centered.
  • I am a believer.
  • I am a dreamer.

What I expect on Steemit...

  • I am able to express myself.
  • I am able to help others.
  • I am able to shape my drawing and writing skills.
  • I am able to share whatever knowledge I have.
  • I am able to find an opportunity.

    I joined Steemit to be heard in the world. Yes, I am still young but I've got the voice louder than the lion!  

    To all Steemians who read this, I hope you'll give me a warm   welcome. Drop your upvotes, suggestions or comments, I'd love to see   them below. I am still new in the society, I need some guidance of   yours. Help me shape and nurture. I know, this is the society who can   uplift any among all individuals.  

   I think that would be all my dearest Stesmians.    


Sending love and regards,
 - @ellenmaetungal

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